As states look to help their citizens in every way possible and fee schedules may change as they will be deducted as a business or professional expense, I caution the states or local governments to also provide a "Free Fee" service to lower income folks as they enter the professions or trades. The government should always be looking for ways Americans can enter the Middle Class of the USA. The "Free Fee" qualification should be standard in every fee schedule to provide that extra leg up to those taking an initiative to earn more money.
I think the states need to be innovative and provide tax relief for those that would normally have a local and state deduction on their federal taxes.
Commercial contracting
Residential contracting
Asbestos/hazardous waste remediation
Department of Transportation (road work)
Licensed vs. Registered
Some states require licensing while others require registration. The difference between the two is this:
Licensing involves passing exams and meeting certain criteria to prove reasonable competency in a trade.
Registration is a written record of who is performing the work. It doesn’t guarantee expertise or competency.