Puerto Rico did not throw the federal budget into chaos; the climate crisis did. Texas, Florida, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico and other smaller countries that need assistance out of compassion and obligation; is all nothing more than the climate crisis.
The damage was done to the federal budget by the climate crisis to the tune of, a deficit and debt over a trillion dollars US.
President Trump has these ideas he can fix everything. He can't. The climate will defeat his goals over and over and over again. The "Superstorm" season hasn't even started. There is no tornado season anymore, no hurricane season anymore, there is only the ravages of the climate crisis.
The climate crisis will demand attention to humanity and human need over and over and over. The people of Earth can only seek to minimize deaths and maintain some kind of economy to continue civilization.
President Trump is a climate denier. Every time his agenda is derailed by storms, fires and landslides, it will be a reminder that denying the climate crisis is foolish.