The USA is not in a good place with it's politics. If the atrocity that was Flint occurred anywhere else in the world we would be calling it a pattern leading to genocide.
Limiting a woman's ability to give birth and polluting water with poison are all forms of genocide. It doesn't matter if it happens over time, it is still genocide.
It is very troubling to have Americans in that much danger and no one cared for years. The American people assume their air, water and food are all safe because no one is complaining.
In the "W" administration there was a big push to have water reporting made to the people across the country. That initiative is both good and dangerous. How many people seek to understand the report received from their water department? Very few I think. People drink bottled water primarily. I am sure everyone in the USA has a bottle of water in their refrigerator. Where is the report about your bottled water? A government water officer should be as interested in the bottled water coming to the people as the water at the treatment plant.
The American people should be afraid of their own complacency and vulnerability. What occurred in Flint was not resolved until it became a national problem. Ten deaths, a thousand or more children with brain damage and now hundreds of infants that never were born because their mothers were poisoned.
These are all human rights abuses. The USA is a very powerful country and can crush enemies with little effort; although that has fallen into doubt as of late; and that power can be used it's people. Complacency is a White Supremacist agenda for peaceful genocide. They will be in Flint to demonstrate and when they do they will be joyous at what occurred there.
You can say Flint is a wake-up call, but, the USA needed a wake-up call that killed 10 people, seriously injured children, poisoned it's people and aborted hundreds of babies. A wake-up call? Flint is not a wake-up call. Flint is a failure of government and worse than that it was the government that turned on its people.
The Michigan Emergency Manager law became toxic to it's people. Snyder was supposed to prove capitalism, even at it's worse has benefits. Capitalism killed those 10 people, poisoned an entire city, injured children and aborted babies.
The American people need to change the direction of its politics. The people have to value the quality of life with zero tolerance to any insult to it. Flint, Michigan should never have happened. There were people all along the way that didn't question. That is dangerous. If Americans aren't questioning their own city water and their own drinking water, what else aren't they questioning?
The Emergency Manager law of Michigan needs to be dismantled. It needs to be litigated in civil courts and Snyder who ignored and destroyed a referendum of the people needs to be on trial and jailed for every life affected by his actions in seeking FISCAL EFFICIENCY.
Flint is still facing a long-term choice for quality water. Flint needs to stand above every demand to compromise, because, compromise has several meanings and to compromise and allow harm is simply OPPRESSION and nothing short of it.
Across the USA fail in government to protect the people has occurred in one form or another, including illegal and immoral wars leading to gross destabilize of nations of people. There are international courts where these people can be tried and charged even in absentia. Someday, those held in absentia of human rights abuse in the USA will be tried in open court and sentenced. We all need toward to that goal. Call it silent justice.
The Kent State Truth Tribunals (click here)
The Kent State Truth Tribunals were presented to the United Nations. The truth was captured in our day, but, will live forever. It is a truth that cannot be ignored. Every human rights violation needs to find its organization and record past, present and future occurrences. History will be corrected and embellished with the truth. It will change the course of the USA.