There is no Confederacy. Lincoln saw to it the Civil War dead were buried with dignity in places like Arlington Cemetry. The Confederate Generals surrendered and that satisfied President Lincoln. The political right has NO RIGHT to continue tributes to the Confederacy.
The Confederacy is NOT HISTORY. There is a remnant of the "spirit" of the Confederacy that lives on in descendants. No one is asking anyone to deny their family tree, but, they might want to, this is the year 2017.
There is NO LEGITIMATE USE OF THE CONFEDERATE FLAG. It is a symbol of hate and does not belong anywhere on display in the USA.
The violence in Charlottesville is a promise by those 'hooked on hate' for more of the same. They are sadly mistaken to believe this will continue. It will not. Universities in Texas have canceled such marches as they should have based on safety to staff, students, faculty and the public.
The hate groups are to be ostracized from the American street. The hate groups are not welcome anywhere in the USA. The violence stops in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Everyone seeking political office should be scrutinized for any remote link to funding from these hate groups. Full disclosure forms must target these hate groups specifically, including media links to those that promote hate such as Breitbart News.
This hate is to be ended in the USA and now!