Bidding for infrastructure projects can lead to loss of income to the local economy issuing the bond.
There should be a preference written into the bond for local contractors whenever possible.
Be sure to add a clause that automatically cancels the contract should the local business/bid winners change hands.
It is not unusual for a local business to win a bid and have a larger company, often national or international, purchase the company from the local owner. The local owner may stay on the payroll, but, the monies into the infrastructure project is now leaving the local area.
In cities and towns with depressed economies, an infrastructure project can work wonders to put monies back into the hands of a local economy. The citizens begin to infuse the economy once again and that will translate into growth.
The monies from the infrastructure project should be assessed to the benefit it will bring the area before the bond is posted.
Beware of state and federal legislators in the back pocket of Wall Street; they will attempt to dominate the choices available to local economies. That is often achieved through the corruption of ALEC (click here) (American {not hardly} Legislative Exchange (exchange American monies for Wall Street bucks foreign/domestic) Council.