This is from page 29 of that publication. (click here)
This graph shows the primary drivers to the climate crisis. Seventeen years ago there was publication of an understanding of why the climate crisis was eminent and how to answer the gap in economic outcomes.
Let me say that differently. We would already 'be where we needed to be' from a dedication to these understood drivers of the climate crisis.
Think about that a minute.
No Atlantic hurricane season in 2005 with 31 named storms. There is only 26 letters in the alphabet. No Katrina, Rita or Wilma of 2005. No Superstorm Sandy. No record setting weather records that kill people. No enormous tornado outbreaks. No dual tornadoes in the midwest.
I want people to think about this.
In 1999 the drivers to the climate crisis was known. It would take dedication to the outcome of ZERO greenhouse gas emissions from anthropogenic sources to end any danger to anyone in the USA. Katrina would be six years away and we had time.
That same page goes on to read this:
..."CO2 emissions have almost exactly kept pace with population growth."...
This is anthropogenic warming of Earth. Understand that reality. If this warming is anthropogenic then it will reverse with the habits of people and the change they need to make in energy sources.
..."Although GDP per capita has increased, energy intesity of the economy (TFC/GDP), and carbon intensity of energy supply (CO2/TPES), have decreased, mostly reflecting improved energy efficiency and fuel switching."...
We were working on it. We knew what we had to do, but, the one factor most ignored is the increase of population and it's consumerism. The need to continue on the path of fuel switching will provide for population growth WITHOUT adding greenhouse gas emissions to the climate.
We worked at changing the climate crisis outcome, but, we didn't change enough. We were still behind the curve and it is time to get in front of the curve by permanently changing the economy that emits greenhouse gases.
This graph and it'a analysis shows us the world can do this, the USA can do this. We simply have to set the priority and move into the future of energy rather than lingering in the past.
We can do this!
This graph shows the primary drivers to the climate crisis. Seventeen years ago there was publication of an understanding of why the climate crisis was eminent and how to answer the gap in economic outcomes.
Let me say that differently. We would already 'be where we needed to be' from a dedication to these understood drivers of the climate crisis.
Think about that a minute.
No Atlantic hurricane season in 2005 with 31 named storms. There is only 26 letters in the alphabet. No Katrina, Rita or Wilma of 2005. No Superstorm Sandy. No record setting weather records that kill people. No enormous tornado outbreaks. No dual tornadoes in the midwest.
I want people to think about this.
In 1999 the drivers to the climate crisis was known. It would take dedication to the outcome of ZERO greenhouse gas emissions from anthropogenic sources to end any danger to anyone in the USA. Katrina would be six years away and we had time.
That same page goes on to read this:
..."CO2 emissions have almost exactly kept pace with population growth."...
This is anthropogenic warming of Earth. Understand that reality. If this warming is anthropogenic then it will reverse with the habits of people and the change they need to make in energy sources.
..."Although GDP per capita has increased, energy intesity of the economy (TFC/GDP), and carbon intensity of energy supply (CO2/TPES), have decreased, mostly reflecting improved energy efficiency and fuel switching."...
We were working on it. We knew what we had to do, but, the one factor most ignored is the increase of population and it's consumerism. The need to continue on the path of fuel switching will provide for population growth WITHOUT adding greenhouse gas emissions to the climate.
We worked at changing the climate crisis outcome, but, we didn't change enough. We were still behind the curve and it is time to get in front of the curve by permanently changing the economy that emits greenhouse gases.
This graph and it'a analysis shows us the world can do this, the USA can do this. We simply have to set the priority and move into the future of energy rather than lingering in the past.
We can do this!