A judge that has made up his mind before he has heard the facts put before the court by a defendant's attorney is nothing short of corrupt.
May 28, 2016
By Matt Ferner
A Las Vegas judge (click here) this week ordered a deputy public defender to be placed in handcuffs and seated next to inmates in court, saying he wanted to teach her "a lesson" about courtroom etiquette. But legal experts say it's the judge who may actually need a lesson in decorum.
On Monday, an irritated Justice of the Peace Conrad Hafen told Clark County Deputy Public Defender Zohra Bakhtary to "be quiet" as she tried to defend her client and keep him from serving a six-month jail sentence for violating probation, the Las Vegas Review-Journal first reported. As Bakhtary continued speak out in defense of her client, Hafen exploded and ordered a marshal to place Bakhtary in handcuffs and seat her in the jury box next to inmates....
May 28, 2016
By Matt Ferner
A Las Vegas judge (click here) this week ordered a deputy public defender to be placed in handcuffs and seated next to inmates in court, saying he wanted to teach her "a lesson" about courtroom etiquette. But legal experts say it's the judge who may actually need a lesson in decorum.

Sentencing reform has occurred under President Obama with the assistance of his Attorney Generals. There is going to be an undertone of politics throughout the Judicial System simply because there are elected individuals to the criminal justice system. I would imagine there are going to be far more referrals to the Lawyers' Associations in the country for ethics violations.
Justice Conrad Hafen is a good place to start.