Morgantown, W.Va. — After almost two decades of reports, hearings, failed proposals and political wrangling, federal regulators on Wednesday announced sweeping changes to protect coal miners from black lung disease...

In all the fifty states there is a total of 49,509 underground mining jobs. The reason that is the case is because coal mining is nearly mechanized to 100 percent.
In all the fifty states there is a total of 30, 705 surface mining jobs. These jobs are antiquated and should have ended a long time ago. Surface mining is frequently under attack for environmental reasons and rightfully so; ie: coal dust and coal ash ponds that endanger the lives of Americans.
The coal companies are going bankrupt because they have overstayed their welcome as an energy source on Earth. This industry is among the most polluting not just of greenhouse gases, but, also particulate pollution to the communities around them. They also pollute water supplies. The industry is antiquated on a planet severely under stress due to it's warming climate.
The lingering of the coal industry is a disgrace to American greed.
Americans in the industry that have been put on unemployment need to be encouraged to move along with training into a new career. The chances they will be going back to work in a coal mine is slim. The country still offers loans for higher education if the person feels that is where their future lies, the states offer retraining into jobs that exist and are waiting for them.
THERE IS NO REASON TO APOLOGIZE to any miner currently out of work. That work should have ended a long time ago. It is time for them to step up and claim their place in work important to the country. The miners are wrong to continue to play the political game, the country is tired of their lingering attitudes.
We treat drug addicts in the USA to help them back to a life with quality and healthy habits. Why isn't the same help provided to coal miners too attached to their jobs and pay. It is time to find a job that can pay better as well as protect their well being.
Enough of this already. I lost a grandfather to black lung from working the anthracite mines of Pennsylvania. Anthracite was considered the cleanest burning coal on Earth. The coal is gone now. There are no anthracite mines left in the USA. Let's keep the miners alive without disease that effects everyone including their families.