Monday, April 18, 2016

Rear Admiral Stephen Reed, MD has some specifics about Zika. He states there seems to be two different mosquitoes involved in the transmission of the disease. He also stated larvacides can be used to end the mosquito development.

Aedes is the genius of the two species of mosquito. The Aedes aegypti is the primary mosquito. Aedes albopictus (click here) is the other minor species in the USA that is carrying the disease.

The symptoms of the microcephaly with this virus is unique to science. Dr. Reed stated the brain of the fetus is infected in utero. The brain after infection deteriorates/does not develop on a normal path. The difference in the manifestation of microcephaly is that the head is fully formed and when the baby is born their skull plates over lap with each other because the brain does not occupy the space the genetics provided for it. As one recalls the 'soft spots' of an infants head allows for further growth before the plates actually fuse to create the skull.

Evidently, each case of the Zika virus infant is speculative to the function of the baby and ultimately a child. This is a unique outcome for a virus. The virus acts upon a normal genetic developing fetus in utero resulting in a far smaller brain. This is not the usual path for microcephaly. I think it is safe to say this is an induced failure of the genetics of the fetus.

In a different priority for the USA having adequate supplies of bioactive vaccines is expensive. Senator Clare McCaskill wants to explore the possibility of the USA having it's own vaccine production on orphaned products. Currently, the commercial pharmacies are producing the orphaned vaccines, but, at a large cost to the USA. She stated the pharmaceutical companies working for USA vaccine contracts are appreciated, but, it was time to look into the possibilities of the USA having it's own production plant to assist in lowering the costs of supplies for Homeland Security. 

This calls only one issue to mind, but, it is an important issue. When the anthrax bacteria was found in mail services the investigation proved to find a scientist within the USA government that was stated to be the one person involved with the anthrax infestation in the country. 

I realize a scientist is unique to finding employees qualified and this is not the usual government employee, however, the idea of producing our own vaccines should include a secure pool of employees to produce these important vaccines and immuno supplies. 

It was stated a particularly expensive product is now being investigated to provide a freeze dried product with a longer shelf life. Those products should go forward and the company involved should receive orders from the USA as a good faith recognition of containing costs.

I think it best the USA have its own capacity to produce vaccines and immuno products to insure the well being of the people. This, in my opinion, should have been instituted as a priority 15 years ago