Just put this into context to know how engineered it is. This is attempt number 3 at trying to find something that sticks. General Petraeus is in the headlines so it must be the same for Hillary Clinton.
This is now the third time in less than a week FOX engineered their own SCOOP which has no basis in reality. It is very convenient SAP documents cannot be exposed to the public. Shame on them.
By Natasha Bertrand
Emails that passed through (click here) Hillary Clinton's private server while she served as US secretary of state reportedly contained intelligence so sensitive that it has since been marked beyond "top secret," Fox News reported on Tuesday.
The network reported on the contents of a letter authored by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III. The January 14 letter to senior lawmakers has not yet been made public.
To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the confidential, secret, and top secret/sap levels," the letter read.
That is the new word for FOX, SAP.
"SAP levels" refers to Special Access Programs (SAPs) that are meant to safeguard information deemed more classified than even "top secret."
"It is the most sensitive of the sensitive," a former senior law-enforcement officer told Fox News. "There is absolutely no way that one could not recognize SAP material."...
So, now that FOX has learned a new word thanks to the problems General Petraeus is facing, now, that has somehow metastasized into the Clinton emails and server.
It is all propaganda so FOX can deliver on the 2016 elections.
So, basically, FOX believes most people are stupid and hungry for gossip. FOX has no facts. They simply have someone from Cheney's staff to say, "Oh, yeah, there is a good chance there are SAP emails on Clinton's private server.
I am really trying to entertain the idea someone 'in the know' would pass on the ? FACT ? there was SAP emails on Clinton's private server. It just doesn't happen for me. If a news agency is stating there were highly secretive documents on Hillary Clinton's private serve which was exposed to foreign hackers; they should have proof. "The Pentagon Papers" were real, ya know?
I'd say FOX was better than the National Inquirer, but, even the National Inquirer chases down facts based in reality.
If Darth Vader sent help to FOX I'd be skeptical, but not FOX. To FOX If Vadar sent you it is family.
The article above from Business Insider is from FOX's unsubstantiated claims. It goes on. FOX has no clue about any SAP documents, but, it sure sounds good so everyone else passes on the gossip. When does journalism get serious about itself? FOX is not necessarily trustworthy. Unsubstantiated information is not information at all.
The biggest thrill I had today was contributing to the choice of new word games by Microsoft. That's okay. Really. I don't need some pie in the sky gossip that is going to destroy Hillary Clinton.
If Darth Vader sent help to FOX I'd be skeptical, but not FOX. To FOX If Vadar sent you it is family.
The article above from Business Insider is from FOX's unsubstantiated claims. It goes on. FOX has no clue about any SAP documents, but, it sure sounds good so everyone else passes on the gossip. When does journalism get serious about itself? FOX is not necessarily trustworthy. Unsubstantiated information is not information at all.
The biggest thrill I had today was contributing to the choice of new word games by Microsoft. That's okay. Really. I don't need some pie in the sky gossip that is going to destroy Hillary Clinton.