It is easy to be a McConnell and fall for the 'easy way out.' It is quite something different to be a strong leader with vision and purpose. It is easy to get the uninformed voter turnout that are scared of losing jobs to fossil fuel industries, but, it is resolved leadership that brings the permanency of climate friendly energy and jobs. Change is a good thing. Change brings opportunity. That is a fact.
January 26, 2015
By Scott Waldman
Albany—After ending the possibility of fracking (click here) in the Southern Tier, Governor Andrew Cuomo offered the region some modest economic development incentives in his annual budget proposal.
Last month, when Cuomo banned natural gas drilling in New York, which industry officials said could have brought billions of dollars in investment to the Southern Tier, he said he would explore other industries for the region. In his budget address last week, he announced more than $50 million in investments for clean energy, agriculture and the renewable wood products industry in the Southern Tier. That's on top of his pressuring the state casino siting board to reopen bidding for a casino there.
Cuomo said his $20 million clean energy competition, to be called 76West, will help revitalize the Southern Tier. The competition will encourage companies to compete for funding, technical assistance and other services, according to the proposal which is vague and void of specifics. It presumably will be connected to Binghamton University's new $70 million Smart Energy Research and Development Facility, which is under construction.
“Let’s invite companies, internationally, to bring their best ideas to the Southern Tier,” Cuomo said. “We will take the best ideas in clean energy companies, we will invest in them if they site and grow in the Southern Tier.”
By Scott Waldman
Albany—After ending the possibility of fracking (click here) in the Southern Tier, Governor Andrew Cuomo offered the region some modest economic development incentives in his annual budget proposal.
Last month, when Cuomo banned natural gas drilling in New York, which industry officials said could have brought billions of dollars in investment to the Southern Tier, he said he would explore other industries for the region. In his budget address last week, he announced more than $50 million in investments for clean energy, agriculture and the renewable wood products industry in the Southern Tier. That's on top of his pressuring the state casino siting board to reopen bidding for a casino there.
Cuomo said his $20 million clean energy competition, to be called 76West, will help revitalize the Southern Tier. The competition will encourage companies to compete for funding, technical assistance and other services, according to the proposal which is vague and void of specifics. It presumably will be connected to Binghamton University's new $70 million Smart Energy Research and Development Facility, which is under construction.
“Let’s invite companies, internationally, to bring their best ideas to the Southern Tier,” Cuomo said. “We will take the best ideas in clean energy companies, we will invest in them if they site and grow in the Southern Tier.”