It is the facts surrounding the actions of violent Islamists that are more interesting than the fact they are violent. The women was chosen because she was Moroccan. She was made into a suicide bomber because after all, "If women are going to preach like a man they can die like a man." I do believe she volunteered to die while partially destroying a building and killing others. I believe the act to force her into it was racist.
Who in USA intelligence knew why it was a Moroccan women that was forced into compliance with a suicide bombing?
The women in Jordan that was found alive with a detonation device on her person was a wife and she was suppose to follow her husband to death. She didn't detonate the weapon for whatever reason she didn't. But, If I were a wife of a violent Islamist I would stand at a safe distance from the husband while he committed suicide.
The Islamic State Goes After Morocco's Islamists (click here)
July 24, 2015
By Vish Sakthivel
l-Sham (ISThe Islamic State of Iraq and aIS) (click here) recently declared itself simply "the Islamic State" (IS), announcing a "return to the caliphate." And despite its nominal focus on the Levant and Mashreq, it clearly has its sights set on the Maghreb too. In a video released earlier this month, various members of the group denounced key Moroccan Islamist figures, highlighting the potentially far-reaching ripple effects of the crises in Iraq and Syria.Surprisingly, King Muhammad VI, a perennial target of jihadist rhetoric -- most recently by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) -- was not mentioned in the IS video sermon. Yet the Moroccans who were chosen for reproach are hardly a surprise.
The first was Omar Haddouchi, formerly of the Moroccan group Salafia Jihadia. Over the past several years, in a bid to integrate radical Salafists, the king has shown clemency to imprisoned Salafists implicated in the 2003 Casablanca bombings, including Haddouchi. In turn, these Salafists have relaxed -- even reversed -- their criticism of the monarch (for more on this trend, see "Are Morocco's Political Salafists Committed to Peace?"). Haddouchi, in newly monarchist fashion, has often spoken out against young Moroccans' involvement in the "jihad in Syria." And on July 1, to demonstrate the illegitimacy of any allegiance made to IS "caliph" Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, he also quoted a hadith of the Prophet that says "anyone pledging allegiance to a stranger without approval from, or consultation with, the entire Muslim community, is eligible for the death penalty."...
The US State Department should have a close relationship with King Muhammad VI and empower Morocco to respond to violent Islamists. The USA should be celebrating his birthday along with the people of Morocco.
Morocco is in negotiations for a natural gas pipeline with Algeria and Algeria had a protest recently in their Parliment when an entire half of it's members walked out. Algeria has been doing well, but, with the most recent demonstrations it is a concern.
Morocco is an anchor to the stability in northwest Africa, that should be important to the USA and Europe.
After I published this entry there was a near immediate response from USA's corporate media that the suicide bomber was not a woman but a man. Amazing.