Tuesday, October 06, 2015

According to Fox News it was the New York Times that published an article about Joe Biden's verbal statement about his son's dying wish.

I think the idea of the Clintons being a priority for Beau to defeat can be left out of the dialogue. I am sure every political family sees other political families as favorable or unfavorable, otherwise they would not run for office in opposition to anyone.

So, basically, to honor a dear son, Beau Biden, a man who put his life on the line for this country when joining the military; his father decided to reach into his own grief and express that reality which was theirs.

Then it is Vice President Biden's decision to make. I thank you for clarifying that issue. For me, I didn't know if the Vice President was wrongly burdened by obligation and I was concerned for him and any pressure he might feel.

It is his decision and it is a decision he is burdened with because of his son's love for the family and respect for his father. Thank you. I appreciate that. I didn't read any article in the NYTimes, nor did I think to look for one.