I could not believe Secretary Carter knew nothing about the Marines and it's discriminatory measures against women.
It is all PR from the Neocons of Wall Street. It is PR for the upcoming elections. They want to MASCULINIZE and delegitimize "women in power." Now 2hy would that be?
Hillary Clinton is perfectly capable of being Commander and Chief.
Like I said, all the anti-woman propaganda by the right wing, including Fiorina, is to defeat a woman more than capable of leading the USA.
Secretary Carter also spoke about the lack of cooperation from Congress in regard to the DOD funding. There are directions by the current majority in Congress to undermine the current military structure. John Boehner's' resignation is becoming more and more clear.
Secretary Carter referred to two legislative measures that are vital to the function of the DOD.
The first is the "National Defense Authorization Act." (NDAA) (click here)
The other is the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2016 that will fund the fiscal year 2016 for the DOD. (click here)
My understanding of the press conference regarding these measures is that the NDAA is absent of any funding and SUPPORT of long term changes in military infrastructure which have been REQUESTED for a very long time is being neglected and undermined. In those changes exists more efficient use of the USA Defense Dollar.
He also stated there is a movement by the current Congress to underfund the appropriations bill and instead place more and more funding in the OCO fund.
Now, OCO or Overseas Contingency Operations is the monies the Executive Branch of the USA uses to carry out needed operations by the military.
Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) (click here)
Why would a Congress that has the War Powers Act fund OCO over and above the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2016?
The only reason a Congress would SHIFT funding from a legislative measure in the Appropriations Act 2016 is to CONTINUE subversion of the people of the USA in their elections sequestering war power in the Executive Branch. The Executive Branch would then be the central war authority of the USA people.
You'll excuse me, but, this is pre-meditated treason of our democracy.
It is all PR from the Neocons of Wall Street. It is PR for the upcoming elections. They want to MASCULINIZE and delegitimize "women in power." Now 2hy would that be?
Hillary Clinton is perfectly capable of being Commander and Chief.
Like I said, all the anti-woman propaganda by the right wing, including Fiorina, is to defeat a woman more than capable of leading the USA.
Secretary Carter also spoke about the lack of cooperation from Congress in regard to the DOD funding. There are directions by the current majority in Congress to undermine the current military structure. John Boehner's' resignation is becoming more and more clear.
Secretary Carter referred to two legislative measures that are vital to the function of the DOD.
The first is the "National Defense Authorization Act." (NDAA) (click here)
The other is the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2016 that will fund the fiscal year 2016 for the DOD. (click here)
My understanding of the press conference regarding these measures is that the NDAA is absent of any funding and SUPPORT of long term changes in military infrastructure which have been REQUESTED for a very long time is being neglected and undermined. In those changes exists more efficient use of the USA Defense Dollar.
He also stated there is a movement by the current Congress to underfund the appropriations bill and instead place more and more funding in the OCO fund.
Now, OCO or Overseas Contingency Operations is the monies the Executive Branch of the USA uses to carry out needed operations by the military.
Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) (click here)
Why would a Congress that has the War Powers Act fund OCO over and above the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2016?
The only reason a Congress would SHIFT funding from a legislative measure in the Appropriations Act 2016 is to CONTINUE subversion of the people of the USA in their elections sequestering war power in the Executive Branch. The Executive Branch would then be the central war authority of the USA people.
You'll excuse me, but, this is pre-meditated treason of our democracy.