Monday, September 21, 2015

How is it goin' Priebus?

September 21, 2015
By Ed Straker

The new CNN poll(click here) has Scott Walker polling at less than one half of one percent, or effectively zero.  Statistically speaking, no one supports Scott Walker – not his campaign staff, not his family, not even himself.  He is the epitome of zero, zilch, nada.... 

I thought the Kochs could buy your boy love. I mean, the right rhetoric and everything. All the trappings of success. 

You want the elections of 2016 are? They are the 'get for real' elections!

I can hear it now, "I am not going to the kiddy table, Priebus!" 

This was before Walker was bought out by the Kochs and their extremism. This video showed the major difference between the Walker then and Walker now. It validated the corruption involved with Republican politics and how it has changed the country for the worse.