Thursday, September 10, 2015

Did I hear that right?

Jeb Bush has a Spanish speaking wife?

You've got to be joking.

A female Republican pundit is calling Bush's spouse "Spanish speaking" as if she were Caucasian.


Republicans will do anything to draw in the extremists. Absolutely amazing. That is dehumanizing her. 

There is a controversy behind her. She is in the USA due to her father coming here under an Undocumented status. He was granted amnesty, if this information is correcct.

March 24, 2015
By Steve M.

...After World War II, (click here) it was common to cross the border without proper papers, said Columba’s uncle, Antonio Garnica Rodriguez, who made the trek, too. “We just went across the border, worked, stayed there for a while and came back.”
He said his brother later joined the “bracero” program, which allowed manual laborers temporary legal entry to the United States. Jose Maria got his “resident alien” card on Feb. 4, 1960....

But to use the descriptor "Spanish speaking" to diminish her status as a Latina is bigorty. Plain and simple.