Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Cancer. Planned Parenthood is preventing deaths of American women due to cancer.

August 3, 2015
By Lauren Carroll

The vast majority of Planned Parenthood’s (click here) work goes toward mammograms and preventive care, said former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.
Since an anti-abortion group released videos Planned Parenthood officials talking about aborted fetal parts, Republicans have pushed to take away federal funding from the women’s health organization. Democratic presidential candidates, on the other hand, are showing their support, if subdued.
O’Malley said he hadn’t seen the videos, speaking to reporters in New Hampshire July 26.
"And I don't generally make a habit of responding to right-wing videos," O'Malley said, according to Washington Post’s Dave Weigel. "I do know that 97 percent of the work that Planned Parenthood does is about mammograms and preventative health. So that's what I know, but I'll defer to others for commenting on that video and whatever videos they're pumping out there."...

I have to wonder if the federally ordered chastity belts would be covered by US government funding?

It is the only way there is equity applied across the entire spectrum of women across the states. And considering there would have to be inspection for compliance there is funding needed for such inspections.

And what is really troubling to me that atheists have children and I wonder if this will include all girls under the age of 18 as well as adult women. 

The upside of federally mandated chastity belts will remove anyone coveting our girls as virgins. It just would remove any attempt by a man to satisfy his sick sense of reward. It would prevent wars. 

I refuse to allow the current House hearing on abortion to pass without sincerely applying all the words of the committee to the lives of women. This is more than defunding Planned Parenthood while Rep. David Cicilline wants to limit the hearing to legitimate reasons; this is about policing of women in order to drive the entire practice out of the USA with complete crass and disregard for the health of women. These hearings are used for the purpose of right wing politics. The American people are paying for these hearings today, including the women that have to travel to Congress to protect the health of women. This is gross malpractice by the US Congress. 

The hearings today completely reveals the fact there is movement to ending the practice of abortion regardless of how it impacts the health of women. We know that is a fact because the compromise is already being practiced in state governments. 

The federal Supreme Court has already ruled that clinics are to be available to women. This hearing completely ignores the fact there is a law of the land. It also ignores the value of 'excellence' in women's health care.

Nowhere in these hearings is their a core belief a woman's health is valuable to this country. That is a crime alone and then add to it the fact women cannot make decisions that effect their lives places women on a priority far below the level of legal competence. Women are competent to make their own decisions, that includes the women in the health care network that find legitimate funds to continue the practice of women's health care while the federal government continues to fail them.

These hearings are moronic and have no place in the practice of good governance. There is a legitimate movement to criminalize abortion. Women should have the right to abortion at any time in her life she and her doctor find it necessary.