Prenatal medicine depends on the age of the fetus. That gestation determines whether a viable fetus can be maintained in intensive care.
Women's clinics need to have a better standard than the guestimate of one's last period/menstruation. In order to insure prenatal births are receiving medical care, the definition has to be understood. The women of the Senate and the House should hold hearings to determine the best way to define a prenatal baby that is viable to survive a prenatal nursery.
Currently, the practice of a prenatal physician states care for such fetus occur at 27 weeks gestation. There is no consistent way of measuring those 27 weeks. It varies with each obstetrician and each patient. The patient is suppose to have the exact moment her menstruation turned into a pregnancy. It is unrealistic to expect women to know that moment. A pregnancy occurs but not at the moment the last menstruation ends.
The country doesn't need to legislate the permission of a prenatal physician, it can however hold hearings to learn the best method to determine the age of a fetus. Until that is noted, there cannot be any understanding about regulation of a woman's pregnancy. If there is not a consensus to the best time of conception then the science is not perfected and women should not be burdened with such hideous control of outcomes that is her's or her fetus.
The unborn baby (click here) spends around 37 weeks in the uterus (womb), but the average length of pregnancy, or gestation, is calculated as 40 weeks. This is because pregnancy is counted from the first day of the woman’s last period, not the date of conception which generally occurs two weeks later, followed by five to seven days before it settles in the uterus. Since some women are unsure of the date of their last menstruation (perhaps due to period irregularities), a pregnancy is considered full term if birth falls between 37 to 42 weeks of the estimated due date.
A baby born prior to week 37 is considered premature, while a baby that still hasn’t been born by week 42 is said to be overdue. In many cases, labour will be induced in the case of an overdue baby....
What is occurring in the US House is based in hearsay and sentiment, basically POLITICS. That is not the way legislation of any kind should happen, unless it is naming a US Post Office. The Republicans chronically legislate based in emotional status and not sound principles or facts.
ie: Rep. Stutzman is proposing a bill be passed based in videos. You've got to be joking. There is no validation to the authenticity of the video. The USA's capacity to legislate should not be based in magical thinking.
Congress is going to tie the hands of doctors and there will be women that die. Worse yet, doctors specializing in obstetrics and gynecology will run the other way if the US Congress is going to assign prison or worst to a physicians practice.
Congress is over reaching it's authority when there are peer review of practice. Murder is murder, but, practicing medicine should not have legislation that defines prison or more when caring for patients. This is outrageous.
Rep. McCarthy is basing a bill to control the lives of women and their physicians based on a 7 and one half month birth. It is well known a fetus that is born at seven months have the potential of life. That is not new. That is as old as pregnancy itself. The hearing her refers to were people stating they were aborted when they were the baby of the abortion. Where are the medical records. I already know there isn't any because hospitals don't save records beyond ten years within their archives. There is no validation for the bill McCarthy is advocating and it is definitively overreach.
Going down the road to legislate birth and abortion is very misguided. The eighth month old fetus has more chances of dying than the seven month old fetus. (click here)
Leave the birth of Americans to physicians. Congress belongs nowhere near the topic. Culture enters into pregnancy. It just does. Parents have preconceived ideas about the pregnancy. There can't be a Congress removing those cultural beliefs including the superstition that may exist. It is simply wrong.
In the case of the eight month pregnancy, the practice is linked directly to culture from the Talmud. Enough of this. This is cultural speak between mothers and daughters. Leave it alone!
Politics should never pre-empt that of a person's culture. There is no need for any of this and to know McCarthy is disturbed by the undocumented survival of a 7 and a half month old fetus that supposedly survived and abortion is nothing short of outrageous.
Kermit Gosnell was prosecuted without this legislation. This legislation is nothing short of politics and victimizes a nation of women.
The culture of pregnancy should never be tampered with. Bonding is important. A families involvement is vital. When the government takes over and demands certain behavior of physicians it is the end of solid and sound practice. The idea of intervention to save a fetus life begins and ends with the desire of the woman to keep the pregnancy. There is nothing that should stand in the way of her decision or that of her physician.
The US government carries a great deal of power in every American's life and this should always be off limits.
It is easily stated the family oriented society would be effected if Congress starts to legislate it's inception. This is blatantly wrong.
Children Awaiting Parents (CAP) (click here) is a national nonprofit organization that recruits adoptive families for children in foster care. CAP has helped bring together more than 6,000 children and families over the last 41 years.
This organization has placed 6000 Foster Care children in families through adoption. There is not a big demand for children from Foster Care. What are the babies kept alive going to do for parents when they are admitted into a pre-natal nursery?
Basically, the Congress is demanding a fetus to remain live only to have it enter the Foster Care network. There are few children in Foster Care that go on to be adopted by their Foster Care families. Why is Congress interfering with pregnancy? Foster Care is suppose to assign children to a court system because of abuse of children within a family. Since when is a Foster Care system going to provide childcare for babies without parents?
Nationally, (click here) 235,000 children exited foster care in 2012. Of these children, 207,000 (87 percent) were discharged to a permanent home (i.e., were discharged to reunification, adoption, or legal guardianship).
Outcome 4: Reduce time in foster care to reunification without increasing reentry
The 2012 data suggest that, in many states, a majority of children discharged to reunification were reunified in a timely manner. Across states, the median percentage of reunifications occurring in less than 12 months was between 65.8 and 68.6 percent (measures 4.1 and C1.1). The median length of stay in foster care for reunified children was 8.0 months (measure C1.2).
Reunification is the majority outcome of Foster Children. What happens to the child who's parent is the USA federal government?
Between 2009 and 2012, states declined in performance with regard to the percentage of children entering foster care when they were age 12 or younger who were placed in a group home or institution (measure 7.1). The national median for this measure increased from 4.2 percent in 2009 to 4.6 percent in 2012 (an 8.1 percent increase). Fifty-seven percent of states did improve their performance on this measure, but 35 percent declined in performance and 9 percent exhibited no change.
The Bucharest Early Intervention Project (click here) looked at the outcomes of children placed in institutions from a young age. There is something lacking. It is love. Children in institutions have delayed development. The bad news doesn't end there. There is also stunted physical develop while the young children develop mental health issues.
Children are hardwired to survive and have certain needs that it demands and parents in turn respond to those demands. The love between parent and child is vital. If the USA is willing to be this cruel because it has a religious and political legislation there is profound wrongful pathways. When the right wing seeks to end abortion they are damning children assigned to institutions and the lack of love it requires to develop into a healthy adult that has capacity to thrive in society.
"Neglect in America is a huge problem." If the federal government wants to be a parent, I suggest they solve the problems at 'point of care' before it outlaws a woman's demand for abortions.
Harvard Center on the developing child (click here).
We know for a fact the majority of abortions are within the first months of pregnancy. We also know when there is a late term abortion it is doctor advised. The US Congress belongs NOWHERE in this issue!
Women's clinics need to have a better standard than the guestimate of one's last period/menstruation. In order to insure prenatal births are receiving medical care, the definition has to be understood. The women of the Senate and the House should hold hearings to determine the best way to define a prenatal baby that is viable to survive a prenatal nursery.
Currently, the practice of a prenatal physician states care for such fetus occur at 27 weeks gestation. There is no consistent way of measuring those 27 weeks. It varies with each obstetrician and each patient. The patient is suppose to have the exact moment her menstruation turned into a pregnancy. It is unrealistic to expect women to know that moment. A pregnancy occurs but not at the moment the last menstruation ends.
The country doesn't need to legislate the permission of a prenatal physician, it can however hold hearings to learn the best method to determine the age of a fetus. Until that is noted, there cannot be any understanding about regulation of a woman's pregnancy. If there is not a consensus to the best time of conception then the science is not perfected and women should not be burdened with such hideous control of outcomes that is her's or her fetus.
The unborn baby (click here) spends around 37 weeks in the uterus (womb), but the average length of pregnancy, or gestation, is calculated as 40 weeks. This is because pregnancy is counted from the first day of the woman’s last period, not the date of conception which generally occurs two weeks later, followed by five to seven days before it settles in the uterus. Since some women are unsure of the date of their last menstruation (perhaps due to period irregularities), a pregnancy is considered full term if birth falls between 37 to 42 weeks of the estimated due date.
A baby born prior to week 37 is considered premature, while a baby that still hasn’t been born by week 42 is said to be overdue. In many cases, labour will be induced in the case of an overdue baby....
What is occurring in the US House is based in hearsay and sentiment, basically POLITICS. That is not the way legislation of any kind should happen, unless it is naming a US Post Office. The Republicans chronically legislate based in emotional status and not sound principles or facts.
ie: Rep. Stutzman is proposing a bill be passed based in videos. You've got to be joking. There is no validation to the authenticity of the video. The USA's capacity to legislate should not be based in magical thinking.
Congress is going to tie the hands of doctors and there will be women that die. Worse yet, doctors specializing in obstetrics and gynecology will run the other way if the US Congress is going to assign prison or worst to a physicians practice.
Congress is over reaching it's authority when there are peer review of practice. Murder is murder, but, practicing medicine should not have legislation that defines prison or more when caring for patients. This is outrageous.
Rep. McCarthy is basing a bill to control the lives of women and their physicians based on a 7 and one half month birth. It is well known a fetus that is born at seven months have the potential of life. That is not new. That is as old as pregnancy itself. The hearing her refers to were people stating they were aborted when they were the baby of the abortion. Where are the medical records. I already know there isn't any because hospitals don't save records beyond ten years within their archives. There is no validation for the bill McCarthy is advocating and it is definitively overreach.
Going down the road to legislate birth and abortion is very misguided. The eighth month old fetus has more chances of dying than the seven month old fetus. (click here)
Leave the birth of Americans to physicians. Congress belongs nowhere near the topic. Culture enters into pregnancy. It just does. Parents have preconceived ideas about the pregnancy. There can't be a Congress removing those cultural beliefs including the superstition that may exist. It is simply wrong.
In the case of the eight month pregnancy, the practice is linked directly to culture from the Talmud. Enough of this. This is cultural speak between mothers and daughters. Leave it alone!
Politics should never pre-empt that of a person's culture. There is no need for any of this and to know McCarthy is disturbed by the undocumented survival of a 7 and a half month old fetus that supposedly survived and abortion is nothing short of outrageous.
Kermit Gosnell was prosecuted without this legislation. This legislation is nothing short of politics and victimizes a nation of women.
The culture of pregnancy should never be tampered with. Bonding is important. A families involvement is vital. When the government takes over and demands certain behavior of physicians it is the end of solid and sound practice. The idea of intervention to save a fetus life begins and ends with the desire of the woman to keep the pregnancy. There is nothing that should stand in the way of her decision or that of her physician.
The US government carries a great deal of power in every American's life and this should always be off limits.
It is easily stated the family oriented society would be effected if Congress starts to legislate it's inception. This is blatantly wrong.
Children Awaiting Parents (CAP) (click here) is a national nonprofit organization that recruits adoptive families for children in foster care. CAP has helped bring together more than 6,000 children and families over the last 41 years.
This organization has placed 6000 Foster Care children in families through adoption. There is not a big demand for children from Foster Care. What are the babies kept alive going to do for parents when they are admitted into a pre-natal nursery?
Basically, the Congress is demanding a fetus to remain live only to have it enter the Foster Care network. There are few children in Foster Care that go on to be adopted by their Foster Care families. Why is Congress interfering with pregnancy? Foster Care is suppose to assign children to a court system because of abuse of children within a family. Since when is a Foster Care system going to provide childcare for babies without parents?
Nationally, (click here) 235,000 children exited foster care in 2012. Of these children, 207,000 (87 percent) were discharged to a permanent home (i.e., were discharged to reunification, adoption, or legal guardianship).
Outcome 4: Reduce time in foster care to reunification without increasing reentry
The 2012 data suggest that, in many states, a majority of children discharged to reunification were reunified in a timely manner. Across states, the median percentage of reunifications occurring in less than 12 months was between 65.8 and 68.6 percent (measures 4.1 and C1.1). The median length of stay in foster care for reunified children was 8.0 months (measure C1.2).
Reunification is the majority outcome of Foster Children. What happens to the child who's parent is the USA federal government?
Between 2009 and 2012, states declined in performance with regard to the percentage of children entering foster care when they were age 12 or younger who were placed in a group home or institution (measure 7.1). The national median for this measure increased from 4.2 percent in 2009 to 4.6 percent in 2012 (an 8.1 percent increase). Fifty-seven percent of states did improve their performance on this measure, but 35 percent declined in performance and 9 percent exhibited no change.
The Bucharest Early Intervention Project (click here) looked at the outcomes of children placed in institutions from a young age. There is something lacking. It is love. Children in institutions have delayed development. The bad news doesn't end there. There is also stunted physical develop while the young children develop mental health issues.
Children are hardwired to survive and have certain needs that it demands and parents in turn respond to those demands. The love between parent and child is vital. If the USA is willing to be this cruel because it has a religious and political legislation there is profound wrongful pathways. When the right wing seeks to end abortion they are damning children assigned to institutions and the lack of love it requires to develop into a healthy adult that has capacity to thrive in society.
"Neglect in America is a huge problem." If the federal government wants to be a parent, I suggest they solve the problems at 'point of care' before it outlaws a woman's demand for abortions.
Harvard Center on the developing child (click here).
We know for a fact the majority of abortions are within the first months of pregnancy. We also know when there is a late term abortion it is doctor advised. The US Congress belongs NOWHERE in this issue!