Thursday, July 09, 2015

Mr. Trump is financing his own campaign. That is admirable. He does not want have to compromise to millionaires and billionaires. However, he may find there are people that would like to donate to his campaign. He should accept donations even though unnecessary. The reason he should accept donations is the fact people who vote like to feel they have taken part in something. 

Running for office is about the people, not the person. People believe they are important to the candidate when they donate. The little guys want to provide a way to say thank you and we appreciate the ambition to govern. 

I suppose he has many reasons to not accept donations into a campaign fund, but, he should consider it. It will be an investment for people into the future and they just might stay with him knowing he was gracious enough to include them. He should think about it. A dollar, five dollars or ten or more matters when it comes time to promote and vote. 

Bumper Sticker - "I own a piece of tomorrow with Donald Trump."