Thursday, February 12, 2015

He is mimicking the Pope while there is little the two have in common.

Scott Walker saw some of the most draconian cuts to state employees than ever before in Wisconsin history. It would be almost admirable if the cuts in the budget resulted as an economic benefit that increased jobs in other sectors of the Wisconsin economy. It didn't.

Wisconsin had the second lowest GDP growth in the region. It wasn't even close to the USA economy. The graph is from a Wisconsin study. (click here)

After listening to Walker in Great Britain it is fairly obvious the Republicans are worried about losing any segment of the Catholic vote they had before Pope Francis. His words are nearly identical to the controversy caused by the Pope when he spoke about evolution.

The Republicans are going to be hard pressed to mimic Pope Francis when it comes to the 1 percent. I haven't heard how they intend to raise the minimum wage or support health care for everyone. Did I miss something?

I believe the Republicans are adding words to their dictionary because they are concerned about losing Catholics as Pope Francis seeks change within his papacy. The Republicans have had no rush of conscience. It is still all based in greed and deception. They are the same ole', same ole' Republicans.