Thursday, January 01, 2015

September 2014 was the hottest September on record since 1880.

Especially to note is the high temperatures of the tropical rainforest in South America. The heat over Antarctica is off the scale.

The global average temperature (click here) for September 2014 was 0.77°C (1.38°F) above the 1951-1980 historical average for the month, the agency reported Oct. 12 in its monthly Global Land-Ocean Temperature Index, which shows the temperature anomalies for each month of the year going back to 1880.

Earth's natural status is an ice planet.

September 1880 is -20 (planet average)

September 2014 is 81 (planet average)

A change in 101 degrees for the planet average for the month September.

1880 was at the beginning of the industrial revolution. 2014 is 134 years after the beginning of the industrial revolution. This is profound warming for Earth. Documented and factual.

Divide by 100 to get changes in degrees Celsius (deg-C).(click here)
Multiply that result by 1.8(=9/5) to get changes in degrees Fahrenheit (deg-F).

Best estimate for absolute global mean for 1951-1980 is  14.0 deg-C or 57.2 deg-F,
so add that to the temperature change if you want to use an absolute scale
(this note applies to global annual means only, J-D and D-N !)

Example      --      Table Value :      40
                          change :    0.40 deg-C  or  0.72 deg-F
abs. scale if global annual mean :   14.40 deg-C  or 57.92 deg-F