Coburn and Inhofe represent Oklahoma. What else needs to be said. They have a governor that call the death of a convict facing the Death Sentence valid when in fact it is defined easily as torture.
Oklahoma government is completely dispassionate as far as I am concerned. They stand by while tornadoes destroy towns and kill citizens and then only seek God to give them grace when what they actually need are underground storm shelters.
Tom Coburn is Blocking A Veteran Suicide Bill. Here is an Open Letter from a Veteran. (click here)
December 15, 2014
Open Letter to Tom Coburn on the costs of veteran suicides.
Oklahoma government is completely dispassionate as far as I am concerned. They stand by while tornadoes destroy towns and kill citizens and then only seek God to give them grace when what they actually need are underground storm shelters.
Tom Coburn is Blocking A Veteran Suicide Bill. Here is an Open Letter from a Veteran. (click here)
December 15, 2014
Open Letter to Tom Coburn on the costs of veteran suicides.
Dear Dr. Coburn,
The Hippocratic Oath states “First, do no harm.” Senator Coburn, I am a disabled veteran. What I don’t understand is why you are blocking a senate bill to prevent suicide among veterans.Sending human beings to kill other human beings is harmful, but you supported that. You voted continuously to keep my fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in Iraq. When we get home, it is very hard to readjust to civilian life. It is hard for us to get jobs, hard for us to get the medical care we need, and hard for us to reconnected with our families. We have higher incidents of alcoholism, depression,anxiety and suicide....
This soliloquy by Coburn is suppose to support the idea veterans with PTSD are gonners anyway; so why spend the money; let them go on to the final resting place in heaven.
That is the message I got. His approach to PRACTICAL medicine and embracing the right to die as witnessed in Oregon is best. It is between the ill person and god to decide when is the right time for death.
This is Oklahoma. They are estranged from the reality of any aspect of life. Death happens, one cries and gets on with what is left of their own lives and when it is their time they'll go to the great beyond, too.
I sincerely hope the Oklahoma Medical Board (click here) will never allow Coburn to practice again. He is way out of step with a country that grieves for it's soldiers when they are not living a quality life due to their service.
I am sure there are plenty in the political inner circle of Oklahoma that regularly decides life and death, but, that is called anarchy. Cost cutting features to medical treatment should not include the death of the insured.
See, the real problem is that medical treatment of these hopeless individuals costs money that need not be spent. Senator Coburn is not fit for practice.
The majority of psychiatry in the USA when treating PTSD find it a challenge to protect a patient's quality of life when administering medication. But, those patients are great people with a problem and when we start passing judgement as doctors that belongs to god there is dearly little hope for the survival of humanity.
See, most folks in the USA believe in humanity. They believe life is important. But, there are those aspects of USA society that weigh in every once in awhile to prove how some of the country is still corrupted by money and aloof to reality. They think and breath like god and know what is best.
PTSD is not an unusual diagnosis. It imprints on the survival aspects of the brain and literally stays with the person forever. The flashbacks are horrible and without proper treatment engage a life not worth living. See, it isn't just soldiers that suffer from PTSD, it is also rape victims right here within our own borders.
It is the permanent scarring of the psyche that Coburn is homing in on. He is completely convinced, probably by himself, that the monies spent by the government are wasted on such hopeless individuals.
The rant today was not about soldiers or otherwise, it was about a US Senator that doesn't even believe in his own practice of medicine. Today on the Senate Floor Coburn exonerated his own inability to treat anyone successfully for PTSD.
See, these patients need regular follow up, about every six months at the very least. They need their medications increased and decreased or changed to find a better outcome. The psychiatrists that treat PTSD successfully; and yes there are cases where it is treated successfully, know their patients and ARE INTERESTED in their best outcomes.
Coburn's tears were not about soldiers that need treatment when they come home, but, for himself and the failure of his Senate seat to prevent such terrible maladies from occurring. Coburn mourned his own lack luster career and was willing to take every soldier to the grave with him or before him as the case may be because Coburn's God Complex tells him it is best.
Today on the Senate Floor Coburn played his last ego driven self-righteous rant. It is suppose to inspire his colleagues with witness of a powerfully humble man willing to say "death is a good thing" rather than paying for veterans hospitals that never existed for his relatives, why should they exist now. His relatives came home from battle and went about life without sympathy for PTSD.
Senator Coburn is lucky that way, because, I witnessed the haunting effects in my late father-in-law when he would wake up from a deep sleep ready to do battle with anyone in the living room. He didn't take medication either, but, he lived with those shadows of WWII everyday, BUT, without any wish to harm oneself or others.
God speed Senator Coburn, your chariot awaits to bring you to Oklahoma. I know of at least one cemetery in Oklahoma that won't have any of your patients. (click here)
This is Oklahoma. They are estranged from the reality of any aspect of life. Death happens, one cries and gets on with what is left of their own lives and when it is their time they'll go to the great beyond, too.
I sincerely hope the Oklahoma Medical Board (click here) will never allow Coburn to practice again. He is way out of step with a country that grieves for it's soldiers when they are not living a quality life due to their service.
I am sure there are plenty in the political inner circle of Oklahoma that regularly decides life and death, but, that is called anarchy. Cost cutting features to medical treatment should not include the death of the insured.
See, the real problem is that medical treatment of these hopeless individuals costs money that need not be spent. Senator Coburn is not fit for practice.
The majority of psychiatry in the USA when treating PTSD find it a challenge to protect a patient's quality of life when administering medication. But, those patients are great people with a problem and when we start passing judgement as doctors that belongs to god there is dearly little hope for the survival of humanity.
See, most folks in the USA believe in humanity. They believe life is important. But, there are those aspects of USA society that weigh in every once in awhile to prove how some of the country is still corrupted by money and aloof to reality. They think and breath like god and know what is best.
PTSD is not an unusual diagnosis. It imprints on the survival aspects of the brain and literally stays with the person forever. The flashbacks are horrible and without proper treatment engage a life not worth living. See, it isn't just soldiers that suffer from PTSD, it is also rape victims right here within our own borders.
It is the permanent scarring of the psyche that Coburn is homing in on. He is completely convinced, probably by himself, that the monies spent by the government are wasted on such hopeless individuals.
The rant today was not about soldiers or otherwise, it was about a US Senator that doesn't even believe in his own practice of medicine. Today on the Senate Floor Coburn exonerated his own inability to treat anyone successfully for PTSD.
See, these patients need regular follow up, about every six months at the very least. They need their medications increased and decreased or changed to find a better outcome. The psychiatrists that treat PTSD successfully; and yes there are cases where it is treated successfully, know their patients and ARE INTERESTED in their best outcomes.
Coburn's tears were not about soldiers that need treatment when they come home, but, for himself and the failure of his Senate seat to prevent such terrible maladies from occurring. Coburn mourned his own lack luster career and was willing to take every soldier to the grave with him or before him as the case may be because Coburn's God Complex tells him it is best.
Today on the Senate Floor Coburn played his last ego driven self-righteous rant. It is suppose to inspire his colleagues with witness of a powerfully humble man willing to say "death is a good thing" rather than paying for veterans hospitals that never existed for his relatives, why should they exist now. His relatives came home from battle and went about life without sympathy for PTSD.

God speed Senator Coburn, your chariot awaits to bring you to Oklahoma. I know of at least one cemetery in Oklahoma that won't have any of your patients. (click here)