The Duke of Cambridge and his lovely wife paid a visit yesterday to "Centrepoint," (click here) a shelter for homeless young people from ages 16 - 25.
It is estimated there are approximately 15,000 teens facing homelessness this winter in Great Britain. I was surprised when I read that. I can only guess how many teens are homeless in the USA this winter.
It was noted in an article on "E" when the Duke and Duchess were joking about each other's hair or lack of it.
"Hair for an Heir" (click here).
This is an article in the Washington Post a year ago.
December 20, 2014
By Bernardine
It’s the holiday season. Most of us are going to parties, buying and wrapping presents and planning warm, cozy gatherings with family and friends. But for homeless youth, those under the age of 18 who lack parental, foster or institutional care, the holiday season can be a nightmare....
...However, in its most recent report about this population, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of the U.S. Department of Justice estimated that there are 1.6 million homeless and runaway youth in this country. Most are between the ages of 15-17 years old . They are equally divided between males and females. About a third are black and studies show that almost half identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender (LGBT). LBGT youth are at particular risk of homelessness because they are so often rejected by their families, schools and communities.... (click here)
19 West 21st St, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10010
(212) 254-2390 makes the world suck less.One of the largest orgs for young people and social change, our 3.2 million members tackle campaigns that impact every cause, from poverty to violence to the environment to literally everything else. Any cause, anytime, anywhere. *mic drop
11 Facts about Homeless Teens (click here) wants volunteers to place posters in town so the homeless teens will find resources for help.
Sign up for facts on youth homelessness and a ready-to-print flyer. You'll also receive tips on where to post flyers around your town.
It is estimated there are approximately 15,000 teens facing homelessness this winter in Great Britain. I was surprised when I read that. I can only guess how many teens are homeless in the USA this winter.
It was noted in an article on "E" when the Duke and Duchess were joking about each other's hair or lack of it.
"Hair for an Heir" (click here).
This is an article in the Washington Post a year ago.
December 20, 2014
By Bernardine
It’s the holiday season. Most of us are going to parties, buying and wrapping presents and planning warm, cozy gatherings with family and friends. But for homeless youth, those under the age of 18 who lack parental, foster or institutional care, the holiday season can be a nightmare....
...However, in its most recent report about this population, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of the U.S. Department of Justice estimated that there are 1.6 million homeless and runaway youth in this country. Most are between the ages of 15-17 years old . They are equally divided between males and females. About a third are black and studies show that almost half identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender (LGBT). LBGT youth are at particular risk of homelessness because they are so often rejected by their families, schools and communities.... (click here)
19 West 21st St, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10010
(212) 254-2390 makes the world suck less.One of the largest orgs for young people and social change, our 3.2 million members tackle campaigns that impact every cause, from poverty to violence to the environment to literally everything else. Any cause, anytime, anywhere. *mic drop
11 Facts about Homeless Teens (click here)

Sign up for facts on youth homelessness and a ready-to-print flyer. You'll also receive tips on where to post flyers around your town.