"My Pet Goat"
The American Press is already surrendering to yet another Bush before he actually announces any candidacy. "Please, please I need my press pass."
...And what was (click here) the urgency in Card’s voice? I can tell you this: If you work for a public official and need him or her to immediately drop everything and come with you for an emergency briefing, no matter what the assembled media might report, then you would just tell the official that. You wouldn't whisper a lengthy explanation in their ear in front of a dozen news cameras. It was absurd to think that Card urged the president to leave the event and that the president just ignored him. It seemed far more likely that the president was told: It’s bad, but we’re on top of it, and we’ll be ready to brief you in a few minutes, so sit tight. Bush would have concluded that his highly competent military and intelligence advisers were forming a game plan. Rather than make a sudden exit from a public event, one that would trigger unhelpful speculation about an emerging crisis, he wrapped the event up quickly but casually. I had a hard time saying that was unreasonable....

As if that wasn't enough, September 11, 2001 was 36 days after the CIA warned of attacks within the USA. Why is that always forgotten like it never happened? Why is that?
Kindly remember that number 36 days...
So 36 days after the PDB alerting the President of the United States of America, Bush is riding in his motorcade when he receives news that one of the World Trade Towers was hit by a large commercial airliner and there are definitely causalities.
Bush disregarded the news of the attack by entering a Florida classroom to read "My Pet Goat" to a room full of 1st Graders, I think it was. Could their teacher had been told she would have to carry on without the visit because of an urgent matter in the country? They could have told the teacher the President would reschedule. Is that what happened? No, Bush liked his PR far better than his job in the White House.
And what is that mess, "We got this one." Cheney? Cheney is the man of the hour that stated to Senator Feinstein, "We won't get to it (the PDB) for another six months?" Then she was more insistent and stated, "But, Dick the PDB states within 3 months." Cheney disregarded a US Senator focused on the alert by the CIA and simply got on with his day. THAT CHENEY?
President George Walker Bush was the worst president the USA has ever had and now the American Press is ready to kiss the ring of his brother.
OMG, here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kindly recall as well the FACT that Norad never scrambled to stop the attacks soon enough during the Bush White House. Okay? I think that is a really good fact to remember, too.