Senator Thune has said the Republicans don't intend to do anything, except, pass a military appropriation bill until next year.
That is setting up the failure of bipartisanship for the next two years. Congress has a perfect opportunity to set the tone for the next two years by moving nominations for the President's cabinet forward now. But, that isn't what is occurring. Obviously, the lunch with the President was one of never ending tensions.
I fully expect Congress to use their new majority to continue the politics to 2016 without accomplishing anything significant legislatively. The gridlock will continue and the Republicans will continue to play political games.
The Republicans don't have to work at their jobs. They are funded by huge amounts of money that purchase their elections. The do nothing Congress is something the American people will have to get used to. If purchasing elections time after time is the only method that works, those elected don't have to do anything. They can collect their paychecks without ability or ambition.
That is setting up the failure of bipartisanship for the next two years. Congress has a perfect opportunity to set the tone for the next two years by moving nominations for the President's cabinet forward now. But, that isn't what is occurring. Obviously, the lunch with the President was one of never ending tensions.
I fully expect Congress to use their new majority to continue the politics to 2016 without accomplishing anything significant legislatively. The gridlock will continue and the Republicans will continue to play political games.
The Republicans don't have to work at their jobs. They are funded by huge amounts of money that purchase their elections. The do nothing Congress is something the American people will have to get used to. If purchasing elections time after time is the only method that works, those elected don't have to do anything. They can collect their paychecks without ability or ambition.