Oh, FIRST, there are stranded motorists long the New York Thruway, some are high school girls on their way home from a ball game. They are in a bus. The bus can't get through the snow and it is expected to run out of fuel and then the girls will have no heat.
THINK SNOW CATS. As many as New York State can get their hands on. Snow mobiles are a very poor choice DURING the storm.

Kindly think of purchasing a few of these for the State Police. HOWEVER, with the strongest parts of the storm, even these are too light to be useful.
The one below is very fancy with curtains, but, this ultimately is the ALL PURPOSE snow cat. It is necessary in this type of weather in order to guarantee safety.
Now, the reason I decided to write at all is because some of the agencies at the federal and state level were hesitant to tell everyone the Polar Vortex is a permanent fixture to the northern hemisphere of Earth.
The Polar Vortex is not going to end until a couple of things happen. Either the Arctic Ocean becomes cold enough to restock it's multi-year layer of ice or the entire ice content to the Arctic Ocean is gone and now it is the troposphere that will carry the burden of heat.
Earth, by nature, is an ice planet. That is why there are more ice ages and only one extinction caused by a hot planet. When human beings started to add greenhouse gases to the troposphere it TAMED the ice planet and for the most part there have been moderate CHARACTERISTIC planet behavior.
See, Earth likes being ice and the icefields, glaciers and ice caps have provided a THERMOSTAT to any heat from human activity. The oceans, seas, lakes and rivers all serve as a method to cool the planet. So when global warming became very apparent in that CO2 was the main culprit in warming, scientists knew the greenhouse gas content of Earth became the overriding factor to Earth's natural state as a planet.
Rather than going through all the painful details, let me just start with today and try to provide the path forward for Earth's troposphere.
Until the vortexes of 2003 showed up most scientists figured the icefields, glaciers and ice caps would be around for some time before profound degradation occurred. When the vortexes showed up it changed everything. There was now an Earth physics (geophysics) actively moving heat around the planet. it was no longer a passive process whereby the oceans (primarily the Pacific because of it's size - it is where the largest hurricanes occur/cyclones) were warming. The degradation of the Arctic Ocean began to define it's final outcome with the lowest ice extent in the past decade.
With Earth losing it's ice STRUCTURES at an accelerated rate human beings and all other living creatures and plants no longer have a CUSHION to temper the heat of Earth. When all the ice structures fail, life will be reliant completely upon the INNATE nature of the planet. I remind Earth is an ice planet by nature. However, with a dense layer of greenhouse gases eventually that INNATE nature of Earth will be overridden by the greenhouse gases.
Now, Earth will eventually return to being an ice planet when the greenhouse gas content comes down. The only way the greenhouse gases come down in percentage of the troposphere is for them to be used in plant respiration. If there are no plants, it will be far longer before Earth is an ice planet again. Along with plant respiration the emissions of greenhouse gases has to end. Earth cannot retain it's inherent nature without an end to greenhouse gas emissions.
So, there ya go. The Wall Street barrons that took Earth for granted never bothered to realize it is a planet with CHARACTERISTICS based in the laws of physics.
What if Earth was uninhabited, but, all the other characteristics were the same as before the industrial revolution.
THAT is the planet we are supposed to live on. It has characteristics inherent to it's presence in the Milky Way with Sol as the sun. It's place in the orbit around the sun and it's water content is what allows Earth to sponsor life.
The gaseous balance of Earth in it's inherent natural state is vital to living on the outer sphere of this rock. Human beings DO DEFINITELY have the ability to destroy Earth. Paradise. The garden. The real question is can they respect the planet they were given as a gift for life? Some scientists are of the opinion human beings are a 'fire' species and are unable to stop the 'fire habit.' I think it is called being civilized and knowing society's limits.
November 13, 2014
By Mark Torregrossa
So the polar vortex is already dropping farther south than normal. Unless we have a radical upper air pattern change, it looks like we are heading for a much colder than normal start to the winter....
Mark and NOAA like to say, but, but, but, Lake Superior is very near the average line. Hell no it's not. Because one small spot COMES CLOSE to the normal average doesn't mean one can ignore the ENTIRE reality of the red lines!!!!!!!!!!
THINK SNOW CATS. As many as New York State can get their hands on. Snow mobiles are a very poor choice DURING the storm.

Kindly think of purchasing a few of these for the State Police. HOWEVER, with the strongest parts of the storm, even these are too light to be useful.
The one below is very fancy with curtains, but, this ultimately is the ALL PURPOSE snow cat. It is necessary in this type of weather in order to guarantee safety.
Now, the reason I decided to write at all is because some of the agencies at the federal and state level were hesitant to tell everyone the Polar Vortex is a permanent fixture to the northern hemisphere of Earth.

Earth, by nature, is an ice planet. That is why there are more ice ages and only one extinction caused by a hot planet. When human beings started to add greenhouse gases to the troposphere it TAMED the ice planet and for the most part there have been moderate CHARACTERISTIC planet behavior.
See, Earth likes being ice and the icefields, glaciers and ice caps have provided a THERMOSTAT to any heat from human activity. The oceans, seas, lakes and rivers all serve as a method to cool the planet. So when global warming became very apparent in that CO2 was the main culprit in warming, scientists knew the greenhouse gas content of Earth became the overriding factor to Earth's natural state as a planet.
Rather than going through all the painful details, let me just start with today and try to provide the path forward for Earth's troposphere.
Until the vortexes of 2003 showed up most scientists figured the icefields, glaciers and ice caps would be around for some time before profound degradation occurred. When the vortexes showed up it changed everything. There was now an Earth physics (geophysics) actively moving heat around the planet. it was no longer a passive process whereby the oceans (primarily the Pacific because of it's size - it is where the largest hurricanes occur/cyclones) were warming. The degradation of the Arctic Ocean began to define it's final outcome with the lowest ice extent in the past decade.
With Earth losing it's ice STRUCTURES at an accelerated rate human beings and all other living creatures and plants no longer have a CUSHION to temper the heat of Earth. When all the ice structures fail, life will be reliant completely upon the INNATE nature of the planet. I remind Earth is an ice planet by nature. However, with a dense layer of greenhouse gases eventually that INNATE nature of Earth will be overridden by the greenhouse gases.
Now, Earth will eventually return to being an ice planet when the greenhouse gas content comes down. The only way the greenhouse gases come down in percentage of the troposphere is for them to be used in plant respiration. If there are no plants, it will be far longer before Earth is an ice planet again. Along with plant respiration the emissions of greenhouse gases has to end. Earth cannot retain it's inherent nature without an end to greenhouse gas emissions.
So, there ya go. The Wall Street barrons that took Earth for granted never bothered to realize it is a planet with CHARACTERISTICS based in the laws of physics.
What if Earth was uninhabited, but, all the other characteristics were the same as before the industrial revolution.
THAT is the planet we are supposed to live on. It has characteristics inherent to it's presence in the Milky Way with Sol as the sun. It's place in the orbit around the sun and it's water content is what allows Earth to sponsor life.
The gaseous balance of Earth in it's inherent natural state is vital to living on the outer sphere of this rock. Human beings DO DEFINITELY have the ability to destroy Earth. Paradise. The garden. The real question is can they respect the planet they were given as a gift for life? Some scientists are of the opinion human beings are a 'fire' species and are unable to stop the 'fire habit.' I think it is called being civilized and knowing society's limits.
November 13, 2014
By Mark Torregrossa
I've seen how the weather pattern (click here) has been evolving in the last two weeks, and I'm ready to stick my neck out and give a winter forecast for Michigan. I'll give you the reasons why I think we will have a certain type of winter here in Michigan.
First off, I like to wait until we get into early November to see what type of upper air pattern is becoming established. The top graphic shows the upper air flow forecast for next Tuesday, November 18, 2014. It's pretty apparent that the upper air flow next week is coming right out of the arctic. The large circular area you see over Hudson Bay is the polar vortex.

Mark and NOAA like to say, but, but, but, Lake Superior is very near the average line. Hell no it's not. Because one small spot COMES CLOSE to the normal average doesn't mean one can ignore the ENTIRE reality of the red lines!!!!!!!!!!