Friday, May 09, 2014

President Obama given mixed reviews about his Walmart visit.

The people are correct in complaining. President Obama visited Walmart and it was their opportunity to bring a focus that is justified. 

President Obama was there to promote energy efficiency and alternatives that will actually reduce carbon emissions. He probably should have added a blurb about the minimum wage. 

His visits across the country should not be so sterile. He easily could have noted the energy efficiency as well as also stating the wages were too low. President Obama has enough finesse to carry off most any statement. He is quite adept at making a point clearly understood. 

The President visit my store Friday. He won't see how I sleep on my son's floor and eat potato chips for lunch (click here) 

Thursday, May 8, 2014 01:23 PM EST

When I woke up to see the news, I could hardly believe it: President Obama is planning a visit to the Mountain View Wal-Mart where I work.

But the excitement quickly passed when I found out the store would be shutting down hours in advance of his visit. I wouldn’t be able to tell the president what it’s like to work at Wal-Mart and what it’s like to struggle on low wages, without the hours I need. I am living at the center of the income inequality that he speaks about so often, and I wanted to talk to him about how to change this problem. 

My situation is not unlike that of many of the 825,000 Wal-Mart associates – and many other Americans – who are working hard, but just can’t keep up. Most of us aren’t even paid $25,000 a year even though we work at the largest employer in the country and one that makes $16 billion in profits
I wanted to tell the president what it’s like working – and living – like this....