Saturday, May 17, 2014

Everything is Obamacare's fault.

Did you know that everything that goes wrong with anyone's health care is Obamacare's fault? I didn't know that until this morning.

Went to a local coffee house this morning. There was a woman next to me and I looked in her direction and wished her a good morning. I said, "So, how are things today?" She said, "Not so great, but, should be better in a week." 

I said, "A week? Why a week?"

She said, "That is when I finally get my gall bladder out." 

So, she went on to tell me the war stories about how she was misdiagnosed at a medi-emerg center with an intestinal flu and how she called her own MD in the AM and was then referred to a surgeon. Then the surgeon stated he would perform the needed removal of the diseased organ in a week and if he had an opening sooner she would be taken care of.

I empathized and told her the nightmare story of my 19 year old when he had a severely diseased gall bladder and his pain and how two emergency rooms on Christmas Day stated, "See your GI specialist in the morning." Then I told her once we were home how EMTs showed up after my son called 911 while I was in the shower. I stated when I heard the noise I threw on a bathrobe to find my son on a stretcher headed to the ER and one EMT stated, "What kind of mother are you!"

I told her I went to the ER to see my son on a normal saline drip while nurses administered demerol and phenergan and was told he was going to surgery as soon as possible, probably within the hour. I was grateful finally a physician made the correct call and at the same time worried because surgery was no minor matter even for a 19 year old. 

I told her my son was in surgery for three hours and when the surgeon came to me in the waiting room he looked like he just saw a ghost. See, my son was so healthy his serum tests never showed what was happening in his gut. He had peritonitis and could have died without emergent surgery. He then spent the next three days taking pain medication with IV antibiotics on a medical floor in the hospital. When he was discharged he still was sore and pale, but, he was going to be alright. 

So I stated, "Will you please tell me what the heck it is with gall bladders that the medical profession just doesn't get?"

She stated, "Well it is Obamacare that is the problem. The receptionist in the surgeon's office told me all about it. She said the government is watching the insurance companies very closely and they are afraid to even approve surgery. So, we are all in danger because of stupid Obamacare."

I just smiled and went back to reading my paper. What I didn't tell her is that incident with a gall bladder happened 14 years ago as my son is now 33. But, what the heck, let's just blame it on Obamacare anyway.