Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What are the state distributions and what are the educational programs? Medications and blood pressure enter into sudden change in temperatures.

This is how they stay fit. Pools are often used for cardiac rehab as well. So, the problem really is an important focus.

By Gene Fynes

Some good news (click here) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as swimsuit season approaches: People don’t seem to be drowning as often as they used to.

Unintentional drowning deaths in the United States decreased 9 percent between 1999 and 2010, according to figures released Tuesday morning, with the sharpest decline among infants under 1. Deaths also reduced among older children and young adults. But deaths increased nearly 10 percent for one group – people ages 45 to 84.

The report’s author, Jiaquan Xu of the National Center for Health Statistics, did not offer any reasons for the changes. But others who have noticed the positive trend point out that it could be the result of public health efforts aimed at promoting bath and pool safety for young children, for whom accidental drowning had become a major cause of death in the United States....

It is not unusual to find the elderly fallen in a shower after the water hits the skin and there is vasodilation.