Aerial views of the cattle in question (click here).
To begin with where does anyone get the idea the cattle were doing well? Beef cattle are suppose to have protruding hip bones? To the left is a picture of grass fed Herefords. It looks like this is the breed involved.
In the video it is completely obvious these cattle are looking for water. Hence, enters the issue of who is allowed to use the water and whom is not.
Easily noted in the video is also the FACT the land has been overgrazed and the hoof prints alone dictate the trampling of any form of grassland. There is a lot of erosion of those lands carrying soil and sediment into the water.
There are reasons why Bureau of Land Management is called "land management." It inspects public lands regularly to determine whether or not it is vital enough to support grazing. In that reality is also the fact the integrity of the land also supports watersheds, creeks, lakes and rivers. The land in this instance is so degraded the runoff is laden with soil and making the waters brown. That means the waters flowing in this video would have to be assessed for sediment content and very likely in need of dredging. But, why spend the money on dredging if the vegetation of the land which holds the soil is absent and not likely to return because of the chronic trampling of cattle that has no right to be there.
This scenario is not about the rights of one man, his family and cows. It is about politics of The West and the activism of gun owners who have been convinced the government is evil and taking away their rights.
The USA government cannot tell farmers and ranchers how to carry out their businesses, but, it can advise and try to improve their circumstances. That means there is rotation of cattle or sheep or Alpacas for that matter off the land into areas that have been sufficiently rested to return to it's vital nature.
The other aspect of this is the climate crisis. These lands are parched and the water levels very low. It might be as this summer approaches those cattle would not have survived anyway as drought would reduce any form of water, flowing or otherwise.
There are Brown and Black Herefords.
One other thing, there is very little discussion by the activists about what and why there are leases. The USA government manages land the people own. When private enterprise uses lands owned by the people they have to obtain leases. There is twenty years of squatting that has damaged the land and impacted watersheds. Where was the honor in running cows on lands owned by the people without proper leases? Leases are a real way for government to make money and pay it's bills.
Right wing activists love to state the "Greenies" in the USA are lazy, law breakers and the list of adjectives is lengthy. But, when one of their own is breaking the law it is the heavens of god's good graces working within their activism. Double standards exist throughout this culture and it serves as a danger to federal employees and innocent people alike.

In the video it is completely obvious these cattle are looking for water. Hence, enters the issue of who is allowed to use the water and whom is not.
Easily noted in the video is also the FACT the land has been overgrazed and the hoof prints alone dictate the trampling of any form of grassland. There is a lot of erosion of those lands carrying soil and sediment into the water.
There are reasons why Bureau of Land Management is called "land management." It inspects public lands regularly to determine whether or not it is vital enough to support grazing. In that reality is also the fact the integrity of the land also supports watersheds, creeks, lakes and rivers. The land in this instance is so degraded the runoff is laden with soil and making the waters brown. That means the waters flowing in this video would have to be assessed for sediment content and very likely in need of dredging. But, why spend the money on dredging if the vegetation of the land which holds the soil is absent and not likely to return because of the chronic trampling of cattle that has no right to be there.
This scenario is not about the rights of one man, his family and cows. It is about politics of The West and the activism of gun owners who have been convinced the government is evil and taking away their rights.
The USA government cannot tell farmers and ranchers how to carry out their businesses, but, it can advise and try to improve their circumstances. That means there is rotation of cattle or sheep or Alpacas for that matter off the land into areas that have been sufficiently rested to return to it's vital nature.

There are Brown and Black Herefords.
One other thing, there is very little discussion by the activists about what and why there are leases. The USA government manages land the people own. When private enterprise uses lands owned by the people they have to obtain leases. There is twenty years of squatting that has damaged the land and impacted watersheds. Where was the honor in running cows on lands owned by the people without proper leases? Leases are a real way for government to make money and pay it's bills.
Right wing activists love to state the "Greenies" in the USA are lazy, law breakers and the list of adjectives is lengthy. But, when one of their own is breaking the law it is the heavens of god's good graces working within their activism. Double standards exist throughout this culture and it serves as a danger to federal employees and innocent people alike.