This can be the Climate Crisis. I sure the mothers and fathers are wonderful people and they love their children and that is not what this is about, but, what was the health history of the mothers while pregnant with their children. Viruses, bacterial infections. Washington State is right on the Pacific, there are high winds there and all kinds of stuff can be carried in. Also Yakima is in valley on the leeward side of the Rocky Mountains. Any fires? Any degradation of the area for any reason. How are the wildlife? Speak to US Fish and Wildlife for any report of adverse outcomes.
A mysterious cluster of severe birth defects (click here) in rural Washington state is confounding health experts, who say they can find no cause, even as reports of new cases continue to climb.
Isn't the Snake River near there? Let me see. The Yakima River runs near the town, it doesn't meet the Snake until it reaches Richland.
The Yakima has it's own head waters, it have to be checked and the course of the river will have to be walked.
Bingo. Natural Gas. What kind of extraction is taking place and where?
There doesn't have to be fracking to have natural gas pollution. This area receives service from natural gas in a big way. AIR QUALITY and LEAKS and PIPELINES.
Check proximity of any gas pipes in and around these homes. This is a cluster. There is something in that valley. Ask the utility to submit any records of repairs, leaks or otherwise during the pregnancies of these women.
There may be nothing, but, there may be everything. Check with any wildlife issues along with asking for records.
Our consumer protection specialists (click here) can assist you with billing disputes, service complaints, disconnect notices, deposit problems and more. We can also direct you to utility assistance programs or answer general questions about utility and transportation rates and services. If your dispute is with a Public Utility District (PUD) or municipal utility, you will need to contact that utility.
There is also hydroelectric dams. Find out if there are large utility lines near these clusters. Were their changes or problems in the transmission lines in these areas. RECORDS.
It is a long shot, but, the drought in the area could also be a source of toxins. If I can explain and then the community can take it up with the Army Corp.
When water levels are low, and there are active irrigation systems in the area, the bottom sediments could become churned up. The Army Corp does sediment testing in most waters in this country. Usually about every five years. The Army Corp would have any testing within the past ten years of the Yakima River and WATERSHED that might indicate any changes in the SEDIMENT SUSPENDED IN THE WATER and possible toxins.
That is probably a remote change, but, why leave a stone unturned.
Then there is the possibility of food RECALLS. Check with the local food distributors to find out if there were recalls about the time these birth defects started to show up. Clusters are rock solid evidence there is something wrong. Were these folks in the same building, new buildings, air quality, exposure to ANYTHING that might have contributed to the exposure of Mom.
Check heavy metal arrays on Moms. General toxins. Lead. That sort of thing. Check BABY, too.
What did the Moms have in common. Where does Dad work any work at the same job and carrying a substance home on their clothes. It has to be solved because more children could be effected. Some of the babies may have 'cord storage.'
The governor needs to start addressing a water emergency before it actually arrives. Why put these children at any more risk? It is just good governance to a backup plan.
By Kristi Pihl
Tri-City Herald
February 16, 2014
It's too soon to hit a panic button (click here) declaring a drought in the Mid-Columbia, experts say.
But unless prayers for snow in the Cascade Mountains are answered, Yakima River water users may find themselves short this summer.
"If we were getting the snow we really need, the passes would be closed," said Scott Pattee, U.S. Department of Agriculture water supply specialist.
At the beginning of the month, Washington needed 200 percent of the average snowfall during February and March to catch up, Pattee said.
It doesn't take much this time of year to increase snowpack, but the storms that have come through so far were average, he said. It's only because there has been no snow to speak of since the beginning of December that they seemed abnormal....
Check with the military for any possible emissions they may have a record of. There is a JAG Corp there. The physicians or public health officers can simply write a letter asking for any knowledge of problems in the area. It is valley, so air and water lingers in the land. I am sure the military is concerned about babies.
The Yakima Training Center (click here) plays a major role as a part of the STRYKER Center of Excellence, introducing Soldiers to this new equipment and supporting the preparation of experienced STRYKER units for deployment....
Colorado has been seeing birth defects affiliated with natural gas. (click here)
Background: Birth defects are a leading cause of neonatal mortality. Natural gas development (NGD) emits several potential teratogens and US production is expanding.
Objectives: We examined associations between maternal residential proximity to NGD and birth outcomes in a retrospective cohort study of 124,842 births between 1996 and 2009 in rural Colorado.
I don't care if it a sad coincidence. There is a reason for this cluster and all potential has to be ruled out. There was once a cluster of leukemia in New Jersey and it was leaching from a Superfund Site. So, there are reasons. Coincidence is usually very rare. There was another cluster in Manville, NJ in the 1970s that caused brain tumors. It was linked to a combination of formaldehyde in a new Middle School and saccharine. They were girls involved with the drill team or cheerleaders and very weight conscious. There is most always a reason. These folks are isolated from social interaction, so the genetics are varied and THAT can be determined, too. Genetic testing of babies, Moms and Dads.
Neural tube defects are birth defects of the brain, spine, or spinal cord. They happen in the first month of pregnancy, often before a woman even knows that she is pregnant
The quad marker screen (click here) is a blood test that provides a woman and her health care provider with useful information about her pregnancy. The quad marker screen must be performed between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy.
I take it all the mothers didn't have diabetes. Which is a good focus for pediatricians and obstetricians with the next generation of Americans. There is going to be more problems with pregnancies in that generation.
The USA is going to have to be sure there is a strong public message to men and women that Pre-Natal care and testing is paramount to having a healthy baby.
A mysterious cluster of severe birth defects (click here) in rural Washington state is confounding health experts, who say they can find no cause, even as reports of new cases continue to climb.
and state officials won’t say how many women in a three-county area
near Yakima, Wash., have had babies with anencephaly, a heart-breaking
condition in which they’re born missing parts of the brain or skull. And
they admit they haven't interviewed any of the women in question, or
told the mothers there's a potentially widespread problem.
But as of January 2013,
officials with the Washington state health department and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention had counted nearly two dozen cases in
three years, a rate four times the national average....
Isn't the Snake River near there? Let me see. The Yakima River runs near the town, it doesn't meet the Snake until it reaches Richland.
The Yakima has it's own head waters, it have to be checked and the course of the river will have to be walked.
Bingo. Natural Gas. What kind of extraction is taking place and where?
There doesn't have to be fracking to have natural gas pollution. This area receives service from natural gas in a big way. AIR QUALITY and LEAKS and PIPELINES.
Check proximity of any gas pipes in and around these homes. This is a cluster. There is something in that valley. Ask the utility to submit any records of repairs, leaks or otherwise during the pregnancies of these women.
There may be nothing, but, there may be everything. Check with any wildlife issues along with asking for records.
Our consumer protection specialists (click here) can assist you with billing disputes, service complaints, disconnect notices, deposit problems and more. We can also direct you to utility assistance programs or answer general questions about utility and transportation rates and services. If your dispute is with a Public Utility District (PUD) or municipal utility, you will need to contact that utility.
There is also hydroelectric dams. Find out if there are large utility lines near these clusters. Were their changes or problems in the transmission lines in these areas. RECORDS.
It is a long shot, but, the drought in the area could also be a source of toxins. If I can explain and then the community can take it up with the Army Corp.
When water levels are low, and there are active irrigation systems in the area, the bottom sediments could become churned up. The Army Corp does sediment testing in most waters in this country. Usually about every five years. The Army Corp would have any testing within the past ten years of the Yakima River and WATERSHED that might indicate any changes in the SEDIMENT SUSPENDED IN THE WATER and possible toxins.
That is probably a remote change, but, why leave a stone unturned.
Then there is the possibility of food RECALLS. Check with the local food distributors to find out if there were recalls about the time these birth defects started to show up. Clusters are rock solid evidence there is something wrong. Were these folks in the same building, new buildings, air quality, exposure to ANYTHING that might have contributed to the exposure of Mom.
Check heavy metal arrays on Moms. General toxins. Lead. That sort of thing. Check BABY, too.
What did the Moms have in common. Where does Dad work any work at the same job and carrying a substance home on their clothes. It has to be solved because more children could be effected. Some of the babies may have 'cord storage.'
The governor needs to start addressing a water emergency before it actually arrives. Why put these children at any more risk? It is just good governance to a backup plan.
By Kristi Pihl
Tri-City Herald
February 16, 2014
It's too soon to hit a panic button (click here) declaring a drought in the Mid-Columbia, experts say.
But unless prayers for snow in the Cascade Mountains are answered, Yakima River water users may find themselves short this summer.
"If we were getting the snow we really need, the passes would be closed," said Scott Pattee, U.S. Department of Agriculture water supply specialist.
At the beginning of the month, Washington needed 200 percent of the average snowfall during February and March to catch up, Pattee said.
It doesn't take much this time of year to increase snowpack, but the storms that have come through so far were average, he said. It's only because there has been no snow to speak of since the beginning of December that they seemed abnormal....
Check with the military for any possible emissions they may have a record of. There is a JAG Corp there. The physicians or public health officers can simply write a letter asking for any knowledge of problems in the area. It is valley, so air and water lingers in the land. I am sure the military is concerned about babies.
The Yakima Training Center (click here) plays a major role as a part of the STRYKER Center of Excellence, introducing Soldiers to this new equipment and supporting the preparation of experienced STRYKER units for deployment....
Colorado has been seeing birth defects affiliated with natural gas. (click here)
Background: Birth defects are a leading cause of neonatal mortality. Natural gas development (NGD) emits several potential teratogens and US production is expanding.
Objectives: We examined associations between maternal residential proximity to NGD and birth outcomes in a retrospective cohort study of 124,842 births between 1996 and 2009 in rural Colorado.
I don't care if it a sad coincidence. There is a reason for this cluster and all potential has to be ruled out. There was once a cluster of leukemia in New Jersey and it was leaching from a Superfund Site. So, there are reasons. Coincidence is usually very rare. There was another cluster in Manville, NJ in the 1970s that caused brain tumors. It was linked to a combination of formaldehyde in a new Middle School and saccharine. They were girls involved with the drill team or cheerleaders and very weight conscious. There is most always a reason. These folks are isolated from social interaction, so the genetics are varied and THAT can be determined, too. Genetic testing of babies, Moms and Dads.
Neural tube defects are birth defects of the brain, spine, or spinal cord. They happen in the first month of pregnancy, often before a woman even knows that she is pregnant
The quad marker screen (click here) is a blood test that provides a woman and her health care provider with useful information about her pregnancy. The quad marker screen must be performed between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy.
I take it all the mothers didn't have diabetes. Which is a good focus for pediatricians and obstetricians with the next generation of Americans. There is going to be more problems with pregnancies in that generation.
The USA is going to have to be sure there is a strong public message to men and women that Pre-Natal care and testing is paramount to having a healthy baby.