Thursday, January 30, 2014

Two weeks ago I discovered, (click here) to my surprise, that I had line-edited an early draft of Glenn Beck’s new novel, “Agenda 21.” Glenn Beck! At the time I was working on it, the manuscript belonged to its actual author, a woman named Harriet Parke, who lives a few minutes from my aunt. But a year and a few lawyers later, Glenn Beck purchased the right to call himself its creator, and Ms. Parke agreed to be presented as a ghostwriter....

Why anyone would want to put their name on this book is beyond my imagination. It is not only poorly written, but, it was intended to play on every fear the rightwing drummed up about Democrats. Was Glenn Beck responsible for divisiveness? No. He was responsible for hate mongering.

June 9, 2013

Glenn Beck has apparently (click here) realized that for years he's been one of the most politically polarizing figures in the nation.

This week Beck has admitted although he regrets the way that some of his incendiary opinions have caused division in the country over the last several years, he's still right about them.
It was his tone, not his content, that he sometimes regrets he says.

Claiming that he wasn't aware his his comments like  President Barack Obama having 'a deep-seated hatred for white people' could have ended with people 'at each other's throats,' Beck said he was puzzled by activists who go on to organize boycotts of people who say things they disagree with....

To spare moral people from actually have to read this hate book; it places animal rights ahead of human rights. Americans are now in servitude to a dictatorial 'authority' with a supreme leader of sorts. They have to 'walk the board' to produce the energy the country needs. The humans receive food cubes and rations of water in exchange for energy. They are basically starved and die as adults. Women are objects of reproduction purposes and are mated with men that suites the authorities. Children are removed from their mothers to live in a Child Compound. There is no privacy of anyone. The humans live in communal quarters where they have a mat to sleep on. Women wear headscarves with colors and stripes the denote their fertility and married status.

The book objectifies every aspect of life. It is a horrible read, the paragraphs have all kinds of holes in them to define the events in clarity. It is poorly written and a lousy read. It is nothing more than hatred. All of it.

Glenn Beck is an overtly praying entertainer, but, his covert identity is full of hate.