Thursday, December 12, 2013

When heat in the USA is increasing

Vindictive attacks on ANY political figure that seeks gun control to make their nation's safer.

The NRA is about power and cares nothing about people and safe neighborhoods. Every time there is a campaign like this, the members dump more and more money into the coffers of the NRA. Political power and money. Those elected need to stand up to the NRA in numbers that destroy their ability to hold legislators and executive branch members of governments hostage to their profiteering.

Australia legislated to control semi-automatics in 1996. The semis are the 'real money' to the industry.

Sandy Hook Massacre: Gun lobby targets Australia (click here)
December 12, 2013
Nick O'Malley

...In the piece, titled "Standing Guard", the organisation’s increasingly strident public face, executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, argues that elements of the American media back Mr Obama’s alleged plan to create “a US version of the Australian/British tyranny”.

As evidence Mr LaPierre cites an editorial by Mr Howard published by The New York Times after the Sandy Hook massacre entitled “I Went After Guns. Obama Can, Too.”

“Virtually no US media outlet was honest enough to describe what actually happened to our formerly free English-speaking cousins as a direct result of mass murders committed by lone, criminally insane killers,” wrote Mr LaPierre....

NRA Editorial

"Standing Guard" (click here)

By Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President
Obama’s Obsession With Our Gun Rights
...Obama revealed his gun control endgame in a Sept. 22, 2013, political speech at a solemn memorial for the 12 Washington Navy Yard victims murdered by a deranged killer on Sept. 16, 2013.
Obama coldly used the madness of a delusional lone mass-murderer to claim that the rampage “ought to lead to some sort of transformation … it ought to obsess us.”
In the same breath, Obama defined his personal “obsession” and his notion of “transformation” for ordinary American gun owners:
“That’s what happened in other countries when they experienced similar tragedies. In the United Kingdom, in Australia … they mobilized and they changed.”
The Washington Post praised Obama’s demand for “transformation” to an Australia-style gun roundup and destruction as “commonsense.”...

The Sydney Morning Herald has an interesting interactive. It is noted that mass shooting are increasing in the USA while Australia has had no such events in their society since the gun buyback there.

The New York Times Op-Ed
I Went After Guns. Obama Can, Too. (click here)