On a real timeline 3 years of a man that sincerely believes in peace over war is a lifetime in international movement toward non-proliferation, better economic dynamics and removing impetus to war.
The reason Bush/Cheney were able to launch an illegal war into Iraq based on lies and deception was because the impetus existed. It wasn't difficult for them to reach into their bag of tricks and start a war. The odds Bush/Cheney could pull off a war at the drop of a hat existed nearly on every continent on Earth. They wanted a limited nuclear war with Russia and fashioned their 'rant to war' after that of WWII. Bush CREATED "The AXIS (powers) of Evil." It was all to easy to create a Hollywood theme to carryout illegitimate killing of people that had little to no interest in the USA, yet alone terrorists to them.
The Domestic Policies of the USA are in the doldrums. President Obama is attempting yet again to move Immigration Reform forward. He has done well so far. He has acted to keep The Dreamers in the USA and has a bill out of the USA Senate by a large majority. The only hurdle is having the US House actually DO SOMETHING.
The International Community needs to capitalize on the willingness and ability of President Obama to reach agreements to eliminate any opportunity to war of those that believe war is an asset to the USA economy. This is the time for policy to be smoothed out and proposed to result in peace. We have a chance today as a global community that won't return for decades. We have this chance given to us to create a world of peace and prosperity. There should be no mistake, this is a time of great hope and potential. We should not squander it.
President Obama will not diminish the military strength of the USA military as a means to provide a steadfast willingness to peace. Both China and Russia understand how a strong military can be an incentive to create peace and enforce it.
There are many hawks and few doves in the USA political landscape. President Obama is neither. He is a rational man that loves his country, the people of the nation he leads and the idea his daughters could live in a far different world than he inherited. I believe in him. He is capable of finding inroads to peace and non-proliferation. He is a man of compromise so long as the national security of the USA is not compromised. Much can be done. Much should be done. Barack Obama is unique and it would be a sorry day to realize the world was on the brink of a sustaining peace, but, ignored it's potential and was hesitant to reach for it.
The Domestic Policies of the USA are in the doldrums. President Obama is attempting yet again to move Immigration Reform forward. He has done well so far. He has acted to keep The Dreamers in the USA and has a bill out of the USA Senate by a large majority. The only hurdle is having the US House actually DO SOMETHING.
The International Community needs to capitalize on the willingness and ability of President Obama to reach agreements to eliminate any opportunity to war of those that believe war is an asset to the USA economy. This is the time for policy to be smoothed out and proposed to result in peace. We have a chance today as a global community that won't return for decades. We have this chance given to us to create a world of peace and prosperity. There should be no mistake, this is a time of great hope and potential. We should not squander it.
President Obama will not diminish the military strength of the USA military as a means to provide a steadfast willingness to peace. Both China and Russia understand how a strong military can be an incentive to create peace and enforce it.
There are many hawks and few doves in the USA political landscape. President Obama is neither. He is a rational man that loves his country, the people of the nation he leads and the idea his daughters could live in a far different world than he inherited. I believe in him. He is capable of finding inroads to peace and non-proliferation. He is a man of compromise so long as the national security of the USA is not compromised. Much can be done. Much should be done. Barack Obama is unique and it would be a sorry day to realize the world was on the brink of a sustaining peace, but, ignored it's potential and was hesitant to reach for it.
Contributed to The Globe and Mail
Last updated
...Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (click here) needs to marshal support for the deal just as much as Mr. Obama does, above all by reducing inflation and getting his country’s economy moving again. If domestic tensions ease as a result, especially within Iran’s restive middle class, the government will receive the credit, while the Iranian Republican Guard and other hard-liners will be weakened.
The West had better hope that the Iranian narrative proves true, because the political space for any meaningful diplomatic agreement – both the desire for a deal and the room to achieve it – is created at home. This is particularly true when a new government comes to power with promises of improving the economy. Mr. Rouhani can undercut hard-liners who would seek to block any ultimate deal only if the Iranian population both experiences economic relief and attributes it to his administration....