Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How does the USA create more jobs?

One has to prescribe to the fact the private sector is too protective in order to put their toe in the water. Until there is better outcomes in the USA economy they are going to be protective of their financial integrity, at least we hope so.

However, there is a place for the government in all this, in public works and supporting a strong public sector. The Republicans hate that idea. They are still WAITING for the private sector to decide to put people to work in the face of weak economic recovery. The private sector is not going to do that, would you? 

President Obama was correct. He wanted to strengthen the states. That is where a diverse economy happens, at the level of the states. He wanted a private-public partnership in an Infrastructure Bank, he wanted police and teachers back at work as the states continued to contract their budgets in reaction to a shrinking tax base. 

In his original stimulus immediately after the crash to 2008 he gave the nation tax reductions so there was more disposable income to support spending. WHERE DOES SPENDING HAPPEN? In the public sector? No. In the private sector. So, he was very interested in having the private sector supported while the country recovered from the crash. At no point in time did President Obama want to turn this country into a socialized society completely dependent on the government. He is NOT that President. He believes in a diverse economy, did not dictate where citizens were to spend their extra cash, but, just spend it if that was necessary for them. 

President Obama also did something else, he supported every state in this nation with monies for infrastructure projects. The States received significant monies to support their economies, hence the people of their state.The purpose of the stimulus of 2009 was to stop the bleeding. It did what it was supposed to do. It stopped the further crash. It accomplished the impossible.

Then as it became obvious the banks were taking their monies elsewhere and there were little to no loans in the nation available to our people, he turned to the Small Business Administration and loans were developed for those that qualified. It was a relief to the economy of this nation. The people could recover themselves with loans and their talents and revive their local economies.

That is still where the focus remains. We cannot trust the Republicans in the federal government in the legislature. We just can't. We have to survive out in every corner of this nation. We have to continue to build our local economies. We have to harness our talents and put it to work for ourselves and our young people. We have to return to local economies that can pay taxes into their local governments to return function to society, educate our children and rebuild a future for our nation. 

The future of this country is not going to be in the hands of the federal government, it is going to be with the people and their innate ability to be Americans that love their lives, their children and the fear their children and grandchildren will be damaged by those we cannot trust. 

Any future recovery of this country depends will have to be the focus of every person in this nation and their local governments. The Governors should participate, but, their ability to recover their states economies is pathetic. The Governors are turning to destruction of unions and cutting budgets. They aren't any help.


Where are jobs coming from? From the ability of this nation's people to move their country by putting trustworthy people into government and seeking decency in business practices to insure the level of corruption that existed when the crash of 2008 occurred, never happens again. 

As a side note to the fines of JP Morgan in the early days of the crash? Washington Mutual was a parasite in this country. Morgan knew it. Why would Morgan allow anyone else purchase that company to continue the same corrupt and draconian practices. Morgan could absorb the losses of obtaining Washington Mutual and corrupt practices while seeking to exploit the economy that did exist within that acquisition. Did Morgan break the law? Did they engage in corrupt practices? That is not for me or anyone else to say. We have laws and our Justice Department is required to honor the integrity of those laws. 

Sometimes a company is able to rescue a failing economy without further compromising it's integrity by allowing a Dog of a Company as Washington Mutual was to fall into the hands of others that will exploit the company for what they can get without moral turpitude or insight to the continued damage they would cause. I am glad Morgan took the Dog off the street. It needs to finish cleaning up from becoming dirty from acquisitions too corrupt to survive. If Morgan propagated further problems for themselves, then they have to face the music.