Thursday, October 03, 2013

Governors need to formulate solutions for emergency circumstances.

October 3, 2013
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East Satellite (click here)

Tropical Storm Jerry is moving into warm Gulf waters. There is a good chance there will be no federal response. There is a good chance Jerry will build in velocity and head toward Texas. The effects will probably be felt in northern Mexico and Louisiana.

It will be a challenge to Governors to draw resources from within their states to address regional emergencies. There are government organizations and non-government organizations and the ability to share emergency resources to bring about a better outcome for citizens that will be effected by emergencies.

Natural disasters are only one type of emergency, so I suggest Governors look into existing policy that asks surrounding states for assistance if the circumstances require it. They can find funds in their state budgets to funnel into emergency funding to facilitate existing policies. Where a state lacks a policy 'to build' it's own emergency response by turning to other unaffected states it needs to pass one.