It is a legitimate thinly veiled POPULOUS message.
It is a defense of Populism which is the very basis of the Tea Party.
"I don't like them."
Children are the soft targets of the Tea Party. The defense of being 'a parent on our own terms' has been a cornerstone to the Tea Party.
Anti-abortion is a strong theme because one of the political ideologies of the Tea Party is that to discover parenthood is to define life. The Tea Party is after all the 'party with a purpose' and that purpose is having a family which is a power base for life.
When Cruz read this Dr. Suess book to his audience and stated he was putting his daughters to bed, it was a statement about 'This is what I teach my children and this is how I teach them.'
Homeschooling in a Christian dogma is another CORNERSTONE of the Tea Party.
And, of course, IN THAT is the message God Can Cure Any Ill, so therefore no fetus should be aborted. The facts according to The Tea Party are obvious. Walk in the light of God and all troubles fall away.
That, to many people and communities, is very powerful. Who wants to be enemies with god? Who doesn't want millions in their bank accounts like that of Donald Trump? He, after all, is a Tea Party extraordinaire. He even brought a Democratic President to his knees to publish his long form birth certificate as if that was going to save him.
There is only ONE THING that will save anyone from the wrath of the RIGHTEOUS Tea Party and that is to be one of them and walk in the untainted light of their Wall Street God.
The message of The Tea Party is a powerful message, it is just that they can't deliver. They state, "If one walks in the light of God to work endlessly to obtain the Golden Calf, it will bring all that is good in life." It is a magnificent message that entwines God and Wealth. It is an easy vision.
Believe - spirituality
Pray - self-fulfilling activity
Work - concrete measure of dedication
Reap - the reward promised by the spirituality
The Tea Party can't deliver on their promise because their political priorities rob people of their wealth working as cheap labor with incredible hardship including dying of lack of health care.
So, unfortunately, Dr. Suess has fallen victim to the Tea Party fanaticism. AND. Those that laughed at 'The Message of Cruz' are the greatest fools of all.
No disrespect intended to any religion, but, with an image as powerful as Christ who can go wrong politically? After all, who is the ultimate revolutionary? I think people can love God, walk in the light of religion, carry a spirituality that enhances their joy and happiness, but, they can also make reasonable decisions WITHIN their lives in a democracy. Not all gods in a democracy are Christian, nor were crucified.
There are more Christians in the USA than other religions and if one can find their loyalty can translate into political victories. That is why President Obama in a public opinion can't be Christian. What Christians don't stop to put in check of their political identity, is the fact there is diversity in the USA, therefore their beliefs cannot be the only beliefs. Christians are not bad people, they currently in some instances, have very victimizing leaders that don't identify with diversity.
This is going to be hard to read, but, President Obama has a visual diversity that forces one to reach into an American blank slate of diversity and what hasn't been developed in the American culture. That 'emptiness' of culture is a rich area to drive improvement in the American political culture. Ted Cruz is defending the "Old Order" to prevent the advancement of a richer and more tolerate American culture. The Tea Party does not tolerate difference, they enforce all their rigid standards otherwise they don't exist.
Have a better day.
It is a defense of Populism which is the very basis of the Tea Party.
"I don't like them."
Children are the soft targets of the Tea Party. The defense of being 'a parent on our own terms' has been a cornerstone to the Tea Party.
Anti-abortion is a strong theme because one of the political ideologies of the Tea Party is that to discover parenthood is to define life. The Tea Party is after all the 'party with a purpose' and that purpose is having a family which is a power base for life.
When Cruz read this Dr. Suess book to his audience and stated he was putting his daughters to bed, it was a statement about 'This is what I teach my children and this is how I teach them.'
Homeschooling in a Christian dogma is another CORNERSTONE of the Tea Party.
And, of course, IN THAT is the message God Can Cure Any Ill, so therefore no fetus should be aborted. The facts according to The Tea Party are obvious. Walk in the light of God and all troubles fall away.
That, to many people and communities, is very powerful. Who wants to be enemies with god? Who doesn't want millions in their bank accounts like that of Donald Trump? He, after all, is a Tea Party extraordinaire. He even brought a Democratic President to his knees to publish his long form birth certificate as if that was going to save him.
There is only ONE THING that will save anyone from the wrath of the RIGHTEOUS Tea Party and that is to be one of them and walk in the untainted light of their Wall Street God.
The message of The Tea Party is a powerful message, it is just that they can't deliver. They state, "If one walks in the light of God to work endlessly to obtain the Golden Calf, it will bring all that is good in life." It is a magnificent message that entwines God and Wealth. It is an easy vision.
Believe - spirituality
Pray - self-fulfilling activity
Work - concrete measure of dedication
Reap - the reward promised by the spirituality
The Tea Party can't deliver on their promise because their political priorities rob people of their wealth working as cheap labor with incredible hardship including dying of lack of health care.
So, unfortunately, Dr. Suess has fallen victim to the Tea Party fanaticism. AND. Those that laughed at 'The Message of Cruz' are the greatest fools of all.

There are more Christians in the USA than other religions and if one can find their loyalty can translate into political victories. That is why President Obama in a public opinion can't be Christian. What Christians don't stop to put in check of their political identity, is the fact there is diversity in the USA, therefore their beliefs cannot be the only beliefs. Christians are not bad people, they currently in some instances, have very victimizing leaders that don't identify with diversity.
This is going to be hard to read, but, President Obama has a visual diversity that forces one to reach into an American blank slate of diversity and what hasn't been developed in the American culture. That 'emptiness' of culture is a rich area to drive improvement in the American political culture. Ted Cruz is defending the "Old Order" to prevent the advancement of a richer and more tolerate American culture. The Tea Party does not tolerate difference, they enforce all their rigid standards otherwise they don't exist.
Have a better day.