So, the Republicans are stating unconstitutional law has to be institutionalized in our country. It is okay to crash economies to benefit Wall Street, lay off city employees, increase danger to the citizens rather than having effective infrastructure, but, "hey, you know how it is, we still have to find a way to keep people safe regardless of how bigoted and racist enforcement sincerely has become."
Why seek desegregation. Let the poor minorities in the USA sit in neighborhoods where unconstitutional state institutionalized laws overwhelm real governance.
Jorge Rivas, Tuesday, January 8 2013, 2:40 PM EST
New York City’s (click here) Stop-and-Frisk program finally had its day in court, and it lost. A federal judge in Manhattan has ordered the New York City Police Department to stop making stops for trespassing outside certain privately owned Bronx buildings without reasonable suspicion. Manhattan Judge Shira Scheindlin said the practice of stopping people suspected of trespassing outside private buildings in the Bronx was unconstitutional....
I realize New York has strong gun control and it works, however, Mayor Bloomberg has stated repeatedly there are guns that come into the city through the south to north Interstate 95 Corridor. There is no comprehensive gun control to stop the flow of guns into Northeast.
So, the Republicans obstruct gun control, cut budgets, take police off the street but insist "Stop and Frisk" is necessary. They have a very long way to go to prove it. Very long way.
April 1, 2011 1:20 PM
NEW YORK (CBS NewYork/AP) — Mayor Michael Bloomberg (click here) is laying it on the line warning that the city can’t make up for all of the state’s cutbacks.
“This is the hand we’ve been dealt and the question is how do you do it responsibly?,” Bloomberg said Friday. “Everybody is going to suffer.”
Hard economic times mean that New York City will have to reduce the size of its police force.
“We cannot afford the size police force, fire department, of any of these agencies if we have a $400 million deficit,” said the mayor, referring to the state budget passed Thursday that the city said failed to deliver roughly $400 million in savings that the mayor had demanded.
I hate to bring this up, but, history is rich with all kinds of references to this overreach by Police.
Institutionalized unconstitutional law strongly looks like a Police State. People can't walk and talk and have freedom of movement without the threat of police contact. Really? A Police State? That isn't unconstitutional? That isn't setting up a community to hate their police force?
The examples are many and date back to WWI. It is a slippery slope. If the police are allowed to Stop and Frisk, what next? Nothing? This is the only result of the law?
Every mayor in the country has been waiting to hear this decision. Don't tell me nothing else follows.
Mayor Bloomberg has to seek to SOLVE THE PROBLEM not simply hit it with brute force.
The problem with Stop and Frisk enlists minority populations for enforcement. These have become "No Go Zones" for law enforcement. The community has to be addressed. How can a Mayor state he is enforcing good governance if his minority populations are segregated where these unconstitutional measures are required to protect citizens.
I remind it was the minority populations in the USA hit hardest by the 2008 Global Economic Collapse. Are our minorities to live forever in poverty as economic victims only to be made to accept a Police State in their neighborhoods. These realities reach far beyond law enforcement.
A seventeen year old young man minding his own business loses his leg because he was in the wrong place when a gun went off and severed an artery. He was lucky to be alive. His mother passes out on the floor of the emergency room to this twist of fate of her precious son. She is admitted to the hospital herself to rule out a heart attack. True story. The young man was one of those that had vigilant parents that found ways of maneuvering their reality to set their son on a path of success out of the city.
Why does that scenario exist at all? Why do minority parents face incredible odds against the success of their children?
There is a lot "W"rong with this law and it begins with lack of opportunity to our minorities that leads to their lack of wealth and impoverishment. The drug economies of the country have their strongest hold with our impoverished. Isn't that what everyone complains about when the beginnings of al Qaeda takes root?
Why seek desegregation. Let the poor minorities in the USA sit in neighborhoods where unconstitutional state institutionalized laws overwhelm real governance.

New York City’s (click here) Stop-and-Frisk program finally had its day in court, and it lost. A federal judge in Manhattan has ordered the New York City Police Department to stop making stops for trespassing outside certain privately owned Bronx buildings without reasonable suspicion. Manhattan Judge Shira Scheindlin said the practice of stopping people suspected of trespassing outside private buildings in the Bronx was unconstitutional....
I realize New York has strong gun control and it works, however, Mayor Bloomberg has stated repeatedly there are guns that come into the city through the south to north Interstate 95 Corridor. There is no comprehensive gun control to stop the flow of guns into Northeast.
So, the Republicans obstruct gun control, cut budgets, take police off the street but insist "Stop and Frisk" is necessary. They have a very long way to go to prove it. Very long way.
April 1, 2011 1:20 PM
NEW YORK (CBS NewYork/AP) — Mayor Michael Bloomberg (click here) is laying it on the line warning that the city can’t make up for all of the state’s cutbacks.
“This is the hand we’ve been dealt and the question is how do you do it responsibly?,” Bloomberg said Friday. “Everybody is going to suffer.”
Hard economic times mean that New York City will have to reduce the size of its police force.
“We cannot afford the size police force, fire department, of any of these agencies if we have a $400 million deficit,” said the mayor, referring to the state budget passed Thursday that the city said failed to deliver roughly $400 million in savings that the mayor had demanded.
I hate to bring this up, but, history is rich with all kinds of references to this overreach by Police.
Institutionalized unconstitutional law strongly looks like a Police State. People can't walk and talk and have freedom of movement without the threat of police contact. Really? A Police State? That isn't unconstitutional? That isn't setting up a community to hate their police force?
The examples are many and date back to WWI. It is a slippery slope. If the police are allowed to Stop and Frisk, what next? Nothing? This is the only result of the law?
Every mayor in the country has been waiting to hear this decision. Don't tell me nothing else follows.
Mayor Bloomberg has to seek to SOLVE THE PROBLEM not simply hit it with brute force.
The problem with Stop and Frisk enlists minority populations for enforcement. These have become "No Go Zones" for law enforcement. The community has to be addressed. How can a Mayor state he is enforcing good governance if his minority populations are segregated where these unconstitutional measures are required to protect citizens.
I remind it was the minority populations in the USA hit hardest by the 2008 Global Economic Collapse. Are our minorities to live forever in poverty as economic victims only to be made to accept a Police State in their neighborhoods. These realities reach far beyond law enforcement.
A seventeen year old young man minding his own business loses his leg because he was in the wrong place when a gun went off and severed an artery. He was lucky to be alive. His mother passes out on the floor of the emergency room to this twist of fate of her precious son. She is admitted to the hospital herself to rule out a heart attack. True story. The young man was one of those that had vigilant parents that found ways of maneuvering their reality to set their son on a path of success out of the city.
Why does that scenario exist at all? Why do minority parents face incredible odds against the success of their children?
There is a lot "W"rong with this law and it begins with lack of opportunity to our minorities that leads to their lack of wealth and impoverishment. The drug economies of the country have their strongest hold with our impoverished. Isn't that what everyone complains about when the beginnings of al Qaeda takes root?