in what Pope would call private hubris lies real danger to the people
on this LIST. This LIST is highly immoral and irresponsible behavior by such a high
ranking North Carolina unelected authority.
Leave it to the Pope Administration to go well over the line. He is entitled, you know.
Completely, completely inappropriate values and behavior by any government.
The Moral Monday Protesters (click here)
Someone needs to find a MUGSHOT of Pope and place it on every telephone pole in North Carolina.
The McCrory administration has more moves than a Pole Dancer. No offense to Pole Dancers.
I found this really interesting. I mean these guys are so corrupt they need their own toxic waste dump.
...In 2002, (click here) North Carolina became the first state to adopt judicial public financing. The opt-in system works by requiring candidates to raise $39,450 from 350 donors in increments between $10 and $500 to qualify. Once candidates have raised this amount of money, they can access funds provided by a special account run by the state so long as they cease other private fundraising.
Their political aspirations beyond North Carolina has become very limited at this point.
This IS the McCrory Administration in name only. It is corrupt and out of control. They have no intention of leaving the public sector alone. These guys want money and plenty of it. The North Carolina Treasury and all the federal aid the state can get is their oyster.
That said, this LIST is no hidden agenda to destroy lives, either through violence, incitement of violence, creating and propagating hate to bring about favorable verbiage throughout the State of North Carolina of the Pope Adminstration. They want to destroy voices of opposition. That is oppression. It is very southern. It gives the USA a bad name and it victimizes.
But, the article above is interesting to me because it caused the rise of the Republican majority in the state. It was done through MONEY dedicated to image building. It didn't matter the concessions they made, the lies they told or the reputations they destroyed along the way, they were going to be elected.
Now. They no longer need the monies and the ending of the program is intended to limit any and all opposition in elections in North Carolina. To state the Pope Administration is a grievance to democracy is an gross understatement.
He is not a benevolent presence within the state. He has sold his soul more times than there are numbers in the universe to get to this point and now everything is a power grab.
This would be a very sad portrait of a wayward man, but, his power within the state is significant and if he can destroy these people he will and the method does not matter.
Within the context of this LIST is a threat. A huge threat and he knows it. He will use the power of the NC Budget to leverage power to destroy these folks. He will lean on their employers, their churches, their affiliations and will move beyond just them to their families. That is not hysteria, that is fact. This is a warning to the people of North Carolina. "Do something about this, or you will feel the pain."
The hate of Art Pope is completely transparent in his actions in GOING THROUGH THE TROUBLE of even compiling this LIST. Why do this? He is the State Budget Director. He has time to assign these tasks to staff either public or private? Really? He has this as a priority? He sanctions this? Someone had to go through a lot of WILLINGNESS to put together a list and then pretend it was hubris. Why would anyone do this? Why would anyone based in democratic content do this? There is only one logical conclusion. It is vindictive, cruel and seeks control over any outcomes of The Pope Administration.
The ONLY reasonable actions by an elected Governor would be to ask for the resignation of Mr. Pope. That won't happen. This aggravation of the public will escalate. Mr. Pope controls the McCrory administration; these actions state so. Would anyone carry out such a horrible idea if he were worried about his job? Of course not.
Now. The moral people of North Carolina will huddle in places where those loyal to Pope can't be found so they can formulate how to reclaim their freedom AGAIN.
Leave it to the Pope Administration to go well over the line. He is entitled, you know.
Completely, completely inappropriate values and behavior by any government.
Someone needs to find a MUGSHOT of Pope and place it on every telephone pole in North Carolina.
The McCrory administration has more moves than a Pole Dancer. No offense to Pole Dancers.
I found this really interesting. I mean these guys are so corrupt they need their own toxic waste dump.
...In 2002, (click here) North Carolina became the first state to adopt judicial public financing. The opt-in system works by requiring candidates to raise $39,450 from 350 donors in increments between $10 and $500 to qualify. Once candidates have raised this amount of money, they can access funds provided by a special account run by the state so long as they cease other private fundraising.
Their political aspirations beyond North Carolina has become very limited at this point.
This IS the McCrory Administration in name only. It is corrupt and out of control. They have no intention of leaving the public sector alone. These guys want money and plenty of it. The North Carolina Treasury and all the federal aid the state can get is their oyster.
That said, this LIST is no hidden agenda to destroy lives, either through violence, incitement of violence, creating and propagating hate to bring about favorable verbiage throughout the State of North Carolina of the Pope Adminstration. They want to destroy voices of opposition. That is oppression. It is very southern. It gives the USA a bad name and it victimizes.
But, the article above is interesting to me because it caused the rise of the Republican majority in the state. It was done through MONEY dedicated to image building. It didn't matter the concessions they made, the lies they told or the reputations they destroyed along the way, they were going to be elected.
Now. They no longer need the monies and the ending of the program is intended to limit any and all opposition in elections in North Carolina. To state the Pope Administration is a grievance to democracy is an gross understatement.
He is not a benevolent presence within the state. He has sold his soul more times than there are numbers in the universe to get to this point and now everything is a power grab.
This would be a very sad portrait of a wayward man, but, his power within the state is significant and if he can destroy these people he will and the method does not matter.
Within the context of this LIST is a threat. A huge threat and he knows it. He will use the power of the NC Budget to leverage power to destroy these folks. He will lean on their employers, their churches, their affiliations and will move beyond just them to their families. That is not hysteria, that is fact. This is a warning to the people of North Carolina. "Do something about this, or you will feel the pain."
The hate of Art Pope is completely transparent in his actions in GOING THROUGH THE TROUBLE of even compiling this LIST. Why do this? He is the State Budget Director. He has time to assign these tasks to staff either public or private? Really? He has this as a priority? He sanctions this? Someone had to go through a lot of WILLINGNESS to put together a list and then pretend it was hubris. Why would anyone do this? Why would anyone based in democratic content do this? There is only one logical conclusion. It is vindictive, cruel and seeks control over any outcomes of The Pope Administration.
The ONLY reasonable actions by an elected Governor would be to ask for the resignation of Mr. Pope. That won't happen. This aggravation of the public will escalate. Mr. Pope controls the McCrory administration; these actions state so. Would anyone carry out such a horrible idea if he were worried about his job? Of course not.
Now. The moral people of North Carolina will huddle in places where those loyal to Pope can't be found so they can formulate how to reclaim their freedom AGAIN.