GOP Benghazi Hearings a Partisan Disgrace (click here)
The facts are clear, right? The Benghazi CIA operation was attacked on September 11, 2012 after the other demonstrations in the Middle East had begun, including an attack in Cairo whereby the wall of the consulate was being climbed. If I remember correctly the Egypt response in Cairo was lethargic at best. So, there was a lot of movement on September 11, 2013 in the Middle East.
This somewhat lethargic government response was due to new governments in several of these countries, including Libya. The USA had taken a very aggressive role along with NATO to stop Gaddafi's attack on the people of Benghazi. We, as allies, saved many many lives in Benghazi. Due to our vested interest in having a benevolent government in Tripoli the USA was actively involved with diplomatic missions, not just in Benghazi, but throughout the region.
I am not going to repeat the TRUTH about Benghazi as there has been an extensive investigation by a Blue Ribbon Panel of the incident.
Mr. Thomas Pickering, a former USA diplomat, has reported about the Panel and stated it was done with precision and there was no doubt what occurred.
programs they were putting in place were designed to immediately find answers to those problems," he said.
The report released by the ARB in December, recommended that four State Department officials immediately step down from their jobs. Pickering said that he believes all of their recommendations were fully carried out....
The Panel's recommendations were taken seriously. The one single aspect of the investigation not looked into by the Panel was the Talking Points Memo. It is understandable this was not the focus of the Panel because it was inconsequential to the outcomes in Benghazi or where the failures occurred. Openly, Mr. Pickering stated the events on the ground in Tripoli of which Mr. Hicks testified were examined and already a part of the report. Evidently, Mr. Hicks was one of the folks that stepped down to be reassigned to a desk job as a result of the Blue Ribbon Panel. Obviously. That brings into question more and more the incompetency of Issa's Revenge. The Issa Hearings are more the tail waging the dog.
So, now the House Republicans are seeking the 'scandal' surrounding the Talking Points Memo. The US House is saying there were 12 revisions and Secretary Clinton lied to the American people.
Now as to the issue of the 12 revisions, that is a fact. But, that was a fact before the Issa Hearing. Now, as to the point to demanding the lies of Secretary Clinton in regard to the Talking Points Memo be accountable. Evidently, knowledge of the personal supervision by Secretary Clinton of the composition of the Talking Points Memo is in demand. Why? Politics.
Much to her disgrace Secretary Clinton was setting herself up for a runaway election in 2016 she stated she is not seeking to run in. Well for god sake then why personally supervise the memo and cause corruption of the Secretary's image in the first place?
Jeeze, Hillary, you just lie like hell because you won't even admit your ego is sincerely driven by a Presidential Campaign. I mean she needs to get over herself.
Poor Mr. Issa he just can't cope with competency. He is so blastedly incompetent that was so evident at the hearings he held there is simply no way he will be successful in his presidential campaign at all.
Supposedly, the real motivation behind the Issa Smear Campaign is based in lying to the American people in the Talking Points Memo and to honor the families that demand the truth. You know, the families have received a great deal of respect by having the country assemble a panel to investigate. Just because the outcome of the panel did not demand the stepping down of the Secretary of State doesn't mean the dead weren't honored. It doesn't mean there wasn't justice. It doesn't mean the USA is not seeking those responsible to be tried and held in punishment for their crimes.
I don't really see the sense in victimizing the families and the country further by obsessing over talking points on a Sunday talk show. It has no brevity to the policies of the USA. The demands for accountability of whom wrote the 12 revisions carries no brevity. It would be a different paradigm if there was a war that resulted in light of the Benghazi attacks and there were lies woven into the national dialogue to facilitate the new dedication of USA assets and deaths of soldiers. That didn't happen here.
That is what is being orchestrated now by the Republicans. If one recalls post September 11, 2001 the Bush/Cheney Administration carried out huge deceptions to the people of the USA to carry out an illegal war in Iraq. This mess by Issa is retribution. It is suppose to exonerate the lies of Republicans in previous administrations. There is nothing here of any consequence that even comes close to the the atrocities of Bush/Cheney.
I see no reason why President Obama and his administration needs to cooperate any further. I strongly recommend the REAL focus for Mr. Issa's hearings be dedicated to the rolling out of the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel. I see the involvement of a President in such a disastrous hearing as completely irrelevant to the business of the USA.
The Issa Hearings were a complete waste of money and time. He is playing politics more so than any 12 revised memos or the words of Ambassador Rice. Darryl Issa needs to be held for ethics violations and the nation needs to move forward to be sure all the recommendations of the Panel are deployed and enforced.
It would be far more interesting to talk about the recommendations of the Panel, but, somehow that focus evades the competency of the American Press. Ratings would really suck if they actually read the recommendations and investigated their implementation. Gee, what a shame.
There is nothing more to investigate. Secretary Clinton was dedicated beyond any understanding by the American people or the appreciation of Republicans she actively worked with in the Senate. All this mess is the Republicans problem and not that of the American people or their government.