Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Farm land and Wild Lands preservation is important.

Arkansas Farmland for Sale (click here)

Farmers are going out of business because of the severe droughts and floods that wash away the soil across the USA. There was a drop of croplands by 1% nationwide.

The number of farms in the USA in 2012 was 2.2 million, down 11,630 farm from 2011.

Total land in farms in the USA is 914 million, that is an full 3 million decrease from 2011. The average farm size in the USA is 421 acres, which is an increase of one acre.

I wouldn't brag about the number of acres in agricultural production in the USA as there are 2,379,964,800 acres that comprise the USA including Hawaii and Alaska. That is less than 1% agricultural lands with a growing population. It is actually closer to 0.9 percent than 1 percent. 0.9 percent and FALLING.