Egypt was once a partner to Jordan is brokering a peace between Israel and Palestine, but, today there is no internal peace and the people will not tolerate their new oppressor much longer.
Families and supporters (click here) of those accused of soccer violence from the Port Said soccer club react to the announcement of verdicts for 21 on trial in last years Port Said stadium incident which left 74 people dead, in Port Said, Egypt, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013. Egyptian security officials say at least 8 people have died in the Mediterranean city of Port Said after a judge sentenced 21 people to death in connection to one of the world's deadliest incidents of soccer violence. (AP Photo/Mohammed Nouhan, Shorouk Newspaper) EGYPT OUT — AP
President Morsi has ushered in radical changes to Egypt. I hope the CIA has read the new Egyptian constituion. I have not. Supposedly it was to create a permanent and more fair democracy, but, the people are not accepting. Even Mohamed ElBaradei is calling for unrelenting opposition.
They are afraid of the changes to their country. They are worried their country is going to end up being ruled by something so foreign it belongs to the Taliban. President Morsi is not instilling confidence in his people.
President Morsi's speech was "very tough", says the BBC's Aleem Maqbool in Cairo
The article below is VOA in Indonesia in translation.
7 killed and 450 injured in 2 Years Warnings upheaval in Egypt
Violence erupted across Egypt on Friday (25/1), the second anniversary of the second uprising that ousted President Hosni Mobarak.
A health ministry spokesman said six victims were killed in Suez, where protesters threw stones and bottles at security forces, armed, before the government forces took control of the city early Saturday. The seventh victim died in Ismalia.
In Cairo a battle on the road between protesters who threw stones and riot troops fired tear gas erupted Friday in Tahrir Square and lasts for several hours near the Interior Ministry, state television facilities and the presidential palace. Riot occurred in Alexandria, Port Said, Mahalla and Ismalia.
Targeting the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary elections, which began April possibility, urged his supporters to stay away from protests and mark it with a national charity fundraising campaign.
Families and supporters (click here) of those accused of soccer violence from the Port Said soccer club react to the announcement of verdicts for 21 on trial in last years Port Said stadium incident which left 74 people dead, in Port Said, Egypt, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013. Egyptian security officials say at least 8 people have died in the Mediterranean city of Port Said after a judge sentenced 21 people to death in connection to one of the world's deadliest incidents of soccer violence. (AP Photo/Mohammed Nouhan, Shorouk Newspaper) EGYPT OUT — AP
...Dr. Abdel-Raham Farah says Mahmoud Abdel-Halim al-Dizawi, a soccer player in Port Said's Al-Marikh club, was shot three times and died.
He says Tamer al-Fahla, a soccer player who used to play for the city's main Al-Masry team, was also shot dead on his way to Al-Marikh club.
The club is near a prison residents tried to storm Saturday to free defendants in the soccer trial. The military has been deployed to try and restore security.
Two deaths occurred in the soccer incident. I am not saying it was right, but, there were 21 defendants now sentenced to death and that, given the state of affairs in the populous, is leading to greater fear of the changes in the government.
January 26, 2013|By Jeffrey Fleishman and Reem Abdellatif
CAIRO -- Deadly clashes (click here) erupted in the Egyptian city of Port Said after 21 soccer hooligans were sentenced to death for killing rival fans in a riot last year that became a dangerous subplot to the nation’s wider unrest and political schisms.
Gunshots and tear gas volleys rang out between security forces and supporters of the Masry soccer club after the verdicts were read. Relatives of the accused attempted to storm the jail where soccer fans and former police officials charged in the 2012 stadium melee are imprisoned....
Now, the 2 soccer deaths were increased to 21 sentenced to death has resulted in at least 33 deaths in riots in Port Said alone. I would think President Morsi would not be in a rush to execute anyone. There needs to be a complete investigation to the two initial deaths to understand whom exactly pulled the trigger. Certainly, 21 people were not holding the gun.
Now, the 2 soccer deaths were increased to 21 sentenced to death has resulted in at least 33 deaths in riots in Port Said alone. I would think President Morsi would not be in a rush to execute anyone. There needs to be a complete investigation to the two initial deaths to understand whom exactly pulled the trigger. Certainly, 21 people were not holding the gun.

They are afraid of the changes to their country. They are worried their country is going to end up being ruled by something so foreign it belongs to the Taliban. President Morsi is not instilling confidence in his people.
27 January 2013 Last updated at 15:36 ET
A daily curfew from 21:00 to 06:00 will be imposed for 30 days from Monday, he said in a speech to the nation.
At least 33 people died over the weekend in Port Said, where a court judgment sparked rioting.
Unhappiness with Mr Morsi's rule fuelled unrest elsewhere.
In the capital Cairo, anti-government protesters clashed with security forces near Tahrir Square for a fourth consecutive day.
The liberal opposition accuses Mr Morsi of being autocratic and driving through a new constitution that does not protect adequately freedom of expression or religion....
The article below is VOA in Indonesia in translation.
7 killed and 450 injured in 2 Years Warnings upheaval in Egypt
Violence erupted across Egypt on Friday (25/1), the second anniversary of the second uprising that ousted President Hosni Mobarak.
At least seven people (click here) were killed and MENA news agency reported that more than 450 people were injured in the incident.
A health ministry spokesman said six victims were killed in Suez, where protesters threw stones and bottles at security forces, armed, before the government forces took control of the city early Saturday. The seventh victim died in Ismalia.
In Cairo a battle on the road between protesters who threw stones and riot troops fired tear gas erupted Friday in Tahrir Square and lasts for several hours near the Interior Ministry, state television facilities and the presidential palace. Riot occurred in Alexandria, Port Said, Mahalla and Ismalia.
Parties tend to be secular political opposition called for protests Friday against President Morsi Muslimis Brotherhood and its allies. Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei sent a message on Twitter that called on the protesters to "ultimately achieve the goal of the revolution of 2011."
Targeting the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary elections, which began April possibility, urged his supporters to stay away from protests and mark it with a national charity fundraising campaign.