The Boeing Dreamliner is assembled in the USA, but, it is outsourced in the manufacturing of its COMPONENTS.
Boeing needs a new CEO, preferably one that USED TO DO IT RIGHT. If nothing else the Board at Boeing needs to bring in their retired CEOs as consultants. At the very least.
The USA needs to examine its contracts with Boeing to find out how many of the orders with Boeing are actually oversees contracts.
The COMPONENTS don't fit together. I'll speculate there is more than lithium batteries that are a problem. It is my guess the assembly of components are actually causing structural issues and is SHOWING UP in electrical problems.
At one time, Boeing actually 'did it right.' They have highly qualified personnel in their northwest USA plant that can build these planes from the ground up. What does that mean? It means the entire plane is built in one facility and trouble shooting is done as the assembly is completed. Everything fits, engineers on site and quality assurance throughout.
The lousy CEO is seeking to cut costs by piecing an advanced aircraft together. So, ahhhh, tell us, how is the bonus coming along this year?
I betcha Airbus is lovin' this stuff.

Meet James McNerney (click here). The CEO with the better mouse trap or so he thinks.
Subcontracted assemblies include:
Wing manufacture - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan, Central wing box
Horizontal stabilizers - Alenia Aeronautica, Italy and Korea Aerospace Industries, South Korea
Fuselage sections - Global Aeronautica, Italy and Boeing, North Charleston, USA and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Japan and Spirit AeroSystems, Wichita, USA anb Korean Air, South Korea
Passenger doors - Latécoère, France
Cargo doors, access doors, and crew escape door - Saab AB, Sweden
Software development - HCL Enterprise India
Floor beams - TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited, India
Wiring - Labinal, France
Wing-tips, flap support fairings, wheel well bulkhead, and longerons - Korean Air, South Korea
Landing gear - Messier-Dowty, UK/France
Power distribution and management systems, air conditioning packs - Hamilton Sundstrand,Connecticut, USA
Boeing is considering bringing construction of the 787-9 tail in house; the tail of the 787-8 is currently made by Alenia
Boeing needs a new CEO, preferably one that USED TO DO IT RIGHT. If nothing else the Board at Boeing needs to bring in their retired CEOs as consultants. At the very least.
The USA needs to examine its contracts with Boeing to find out how many of the orders with Boeing are actually oversees contracts.
The COMPONENTS don't fit together. I'll speculate there is more than lithium batteries that are a problem. It is my guess the assembly of components are actually causing structural issues and is SHOWING UP in electrical problems.
At one time, Boeing actually 'did it right.' They have highly qualified personnel in their northwest USA plant that can build these planes from the ground up. What does that mean? It means the entire plane is built in one facility and trouble shooting is done as the assembly is completed. Everything fits, engineers on site and quality assurance throughout.
The lousy CEO is seeking to cut costs by piecing an advanced aircraft together. So, ahhhh, tell us, how is the bonus coming along this year?
I betcha Airbus is lovin' this stuff.

Meet James McNerney (click here). The CEO with the better mouse trap or so he thinks.
Subcontracted assemblies include:
Wing manufacture - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan, Central wing box
Horizontal stabilizers - Alenia Aeronautica, Italy and Korea Aerospace Industries, South Korea
Fuselage sections - Global Aeronautica, Italy and Boeing, North Charleston, USA and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Japan and Spirit AeroSystems, Wichita, USA anb Korean Air, South Korea
Passenger doors - Latécoère, France
Cargo doors, access doors, and crew escape door - Saab AB, Sweden
Software development - HCL Enterprise India
Floor beams - TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited, India
Wiring - Labinal, France
Wing-tips, flap support fairings, wheel well bulkhead, and longerons - Korean Air, South Korea
Landing gear - Messier-Dowty, UK/France
Power distribution and management systems, air conditioning packs - Hamilton Sundstrand,Connecticut, USA
Boeing is considering bringing construction of the 787-9 tail in house; the tail of the 787-8 is currently made by Alenia