Will the Former Governor Granholm weigh in on who is best qualified to be Governor in Michigan?
Michigan's end of year legislation signed by the Governor has been some of the most anti-citizen in the history of the country.
Believe it or not, Snyder reinstated an emergency manager laws after a state referendum removed it. If that isn't Anti-Citizen legislation, don't ask me what is?
"The House Democratic Causus (click here) in extremely disappointed in Gov. Rick Snyder signing the new emergency manager legislation into law. By pushing essentially the same legislation the voters just rejected in less than two months ago,...
Michigan citizens are under siege from a man who sold Michigan Brain Trust inventions to a Wall Street company for his own benefit. The Michigan voters were handed a bill of goods from the Snyder election campaign and the voters believed it was time for a change. The Michigan voter has been experiencing trauma ever since.
It would be 'a help' if Former Governor Granholm would keep in touch with the Michigan DNC to bring about sincere return to sanity for the state. But, there is leadership within the Michigan Democratic Party that could return 'the citizen' to in charge of their state government.
This bill that returned an emergency manager to the landscape of Michigan after it was removed by the electorate is a huge ethical violation. Who do these people believe they are? They aren't interested in serving the people or solving problems. They are interested in power without regard to any citizen agenda for their state. It could be said, Michigan has an occupying force in the state government.
There are 10 million people in Michigan of which 1.3 million are senior citizens. Snyder and his Republicans swept in during the 2010 elections can do a lot of damage to people before the next Governor election in 2014. But, if the search for the best Democratic candidate begins now there could be a significant victory to bring 'the citizen' back into power in the Governor's office and in the state legislature.
I hear the Former Governor has time on her hands and could be encouraged to assist in the hunt for the best candidate for Governor in 2014. It is time to put the citizen first again in Michigan.
A banner welcomes United Association members to Ann Arbor during August. (click here) County officials are questioning the likelihood the union will return to Michigan for the annual convention after the passage of right-to-work legislation in December.
County, health and environment reporter
Posted on Fri, Jan 4, 2013 : 5:59 a.m
In Michigan, average age of citizens is 35.5. There are 51% women in the state with 49% men. So, the woman's agenda is important to Michigan.
One of the most important aspects to the future agenda of Michigan is eliminating all that CO2 emissions from burning coal. Michigan is ranked 10th in carbon emissions in the nation which has a result of being 31 in carbon footprints.
Michigan resides among the highest wind dynamics in the nation. There simply is no reason for such high carbon emissions from a state sharing borders with Canada. The Former Governor Granholm did excellent studies for wind maps in the lakes. The potential of wind energy as the primary source of electricity in Michigan has no limits.
The anti-wind turbines opposition in Michigan is the usual; unsightly turbines from resort areas, noisy and expensive. There is also a constituency of small wind mill merchants in the state whom believes large turbines would destroy their business by property owners. This constituency will back the promotion of coal and/or biomass power plants to bring the good conscience to citizens to purchase private small wind mills for their property.
A cascade of coal ash, (click here) dirt and mud fell into the shore of Lake Michigan yesterday after a large section of bluff collapsed beside the We Energies Oak Creek Power Plant in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. It is unknown how much coal ash fell from the pile, but the spill left behind a debris field about 120 yards long, the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel reports.
The potential for Michigan Wind Turbines could mean a sincere surplus to the state's economy. The Michigan/Canada wind maps reveal a strong output of electricity which could be sold to surrounding states.
Michigan's end of year legislation signed by the Governor has been some of the most anti-citizen in the history of the country.
Believe it or not, Snyder reinstated an emergency manager laws after a state referendum removed it. If that isn't Anti-Citizen legislation, don't ask me what is?
"The House Democratic Causus (click here) in extremely disappointed in Gov. Rick Snyder signing the new emergency manager legislation into law. By pushing essentially the same legislation the voters just rejected in less than two months ago,...
Michigan citizens are under siege from a man who sold Michigan Brain Trust inventions to a Wall Street company for his own benefit. The Michigan voters were handed a bill of goods from the Snyder election campaign and the voters believed it was time for a change. The Michigan voter has been experiencing trauma ever since.
It would be 'a help' if Former Governor Granholm would keep in touch with the Michigan DNC to bring about sincere return to sanity for the state. But, there is leadership within the Michigan Democratic Party that could return 'the citizen' to in charge of their state government.
This bill that returned an emergency manager to the landscape of Michigan after it was removed by the electorate is a huge ethical violation. Who do these people believe they are? They aren't interested in serving the people or solving problems. They are interested in power without regard to any citizen agenda for their state. It could be said, Michigan has an occupying force in the state government.
There are 10 million people in Michigan of which 1.3 million are senior citizens. Snyder and his Republicans swept in during the 2010 elections can do a lot of damage to people before the next Governor election in 2014. But, if the search for the best Democratic candidate begins now there could be a significant victory to bring 'the citizen' back into power in the Governor's office and in the state legislature.
I hear the Former Governor has time on her hands and could be encouraged to assist in the hunt for the best candidate for Governor in 2014. It is time to put the citizen first again in Michigan.
A banner welcomes United Association members to Ann Arbor during August. (click here) County officials are questioning the likelihood the union will return to Michigan for the annual convention after the passage of right-to-work legislation in December.
County, health and environment reporter
Posted on Fri, Jan 4, 2013 : 5:59 a.m
...The potential loss of several major union conventions that bring millions of dollars and thousands of visitors annually to the area could be the biggest impact to the county as a result of the legislation, ssaid Paul Gallagher, an Ann Arbor lawyer who represents both the county and local unions.
Gallagher was one of several speakers asked to contribute to theWashtenaw County Board of Commissioners’ discussion on the impacts of right-to-work during its first working session of the new term Thursday night....In Michigan, average age of citizens is 35.5. There are 51% women in the state with 49% men. So, the woman's agenda is important to Michigan.
One of the most important aspects to the future agenda of Michigan is eliminating all that CO2 emissions from burning coal. Michigan is ranked 10th in carbon emissions in the nation which has a result of being 31 in carbon footprints.
Michigan resides among the highest wind dynamics in the nation. There simply is no reason for such high carbon emissions from a state sharing borders with Canada. The Former Governor Granholm did excellent studies for wind maps in the lakes. The potential of wind energy as the primary source of electricity in Michigan has no limits.
The anti-wind turbines opposition in Michigan is the usual; unsightly turbines from resort areas, noisy and expensive. There is also a constituency of small wind mill merchants in the state whom believes large turbines would destroy their business by property owners. This constituency will back the promotion of coal and/or biomass power plants to bring the good conscience to citizens to purchase private small wind mills for their property.
A cascade of coal ash, (click here) dirt and mud fell into the shore of Lake Michigan yesterday after a large section of bluff collapsed beside the We Energies Oak Creek Power Plant in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. It is unknown how much coal ash fell from the pile, but the spill left behind a debris field about 120 yards long, the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel reports.
The potential for Michigan Wind Turbines could mean a sincere surplus to the state's economy. The Michigan/Canada wind maps reveal a strong output of electricity which could be sold to surrounding states.