Saturday, December 08, 2012

Sarin is no different than any other chemical or biological weapon. It is organic.

(RS)-Propan-2-yl methylphosphonofluoridate


The carbon are the black nodes, the hydrogens are the grey nodes, the fluorine is the greenish-yellow node, the oxygen are the red nodes and the phosphorus is the orange node.

This is the sarin molecule. It all happens because there is a highly reactive element called fluorine.

It binds with a neuro chemical, enzyme actually, called acetylcholinesterase. The enzyme is related to acetylchloine the neurochemical that transmit nerve impulses. 

Acetylcholine can build up at the nerve synapse. A synapse is the part of the nerve connecting to another nerve(s) to transmit the chemical signal to the body and in reverse from the body to the brain through the central nervous system.

What occurs is the fluorine element (node) of the sarin molecule is 'the leaving' part. It is the most reactive part. It literally enters into a chemical reaction with acetylcholinesterase. Acetylcholinesterase is the enzyme which reacts with acetylcholine to remove a build up of the neurochemical to allow a new reaction to begin.

When the acetylcholineesterase can no longer bind to the acetylcholine because it is no longer available but bond now to a fluorine molecule the acetylcholine builds up at the synapse and death flows. 

It is like an insecticide for the human being. I guess that makes it a humanicide.

I hope I spelled all that right. I just don't feel up to reading what I just wrote.