If all Petraeus needed was a copier of manuscripts, they could have hired a monk and probably should have.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2012, 3:04 PM
A senior U.S. military official (click here) says the author who had an affair with David Petraeus sent harassing emails to a woman who was the State Department's liaison to the military's Joint Special Operations Command.
The official says 37-year-old Jill Kelley in Tampa, Fla., received the emails from Petraeus biographer Paula Broadwell that triggered an FBI investigation....
...The FBI probe began several months ago with a complaint against Broadwell. That investigation led to Broadwell's email account, which uncovered the relationship with Petraeus.
The FBI had to investigate harassment that could have turned into deadly attacks.
Nowak Family / AP
UPDATED: 11:37 EST, 29 July 2011
...Nowak (click here) had flown on the Space Shuttle Discovery in July 2006, working as a robotics arm operator during space walks.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2012, 3:04 PM
A senior U.S. military official (click here) says the author who had an affair with David Petraeus sent harassing emails to a woman who was the State Department's liaison to the military's Joint Special Operations Command.
The official says 37-year-old Jill Kelley in Tampa, Fla., received the emails from Petraeus biographer Paula Broadwell that triggered an FBI investigation....
...The FBI probe began several months ago with a complaint against Broadwell. That investigation led to Broadwell's email account, which uncovered the relationship with Petraeus.
The FBI had to investigate harassment that could have turned into deadly attacks.
Nowak Family / AP
Astronaut Lisa Nowak and her husband Rich pose with their twin daughters on the occasion of the babies' baptisms in the spring of 2002 in Houston.
UPDATED: 11:37 EST, 29 July 2011
...Nowak (click here) had flown on the Space Shuttle Discovery in July 2006, working as a robotics arm operator during space walks.
Seven months later, she got into her husband's blue BMW, drove nearly 1,000 miles from Houston to Orlando - allegedly using diapers along the way so she wouldn't have to stop - stalked Shipman throughout the airport and then attacked her in a darkened parking lot.
Nowak denies that she actually wore the diapers.
The attack concerned the affections of fellow astronaut and U.S. Navy Cmdr. William Oefelein, who had broken up with Nowak after he met Shipman.
Nowak was fired from NASA shortly after the attack, while the U.S. Navy ended Oefelein's ties to the space agency.
Oefelein and Shipman subsequently retired from the military and married ocala.com reports.
Nowak and her husband, Richard, divorced in 2008....