This is the part no one likes to hear and calls hubris. It isn't.
We say, "He hasn't got shit for brains."
That doesn't mean he is not successful, it just means he got success in spite of the fact he's got shit for brains.
See, it is easier to live life with shit for brains. It saves a lot of money, too. I mean why pay for Harvard if there is no reason. So long as the economy works for you if you have shit for brains then everyone with shit for brains believes they can be as successful as everyone else that has shit for brains.
See Murdoch has made a life out of taking people for a ride when those people have shit for brains. It is how Cheney gets an energy committee and Halliburton with no bid contracts. Because, when people are 'on the take' of a military industrial complex the size of the USA military industrial complex they enlist everyone into their 'Club for those with Shit for Brains.'
So, I don't have to go on, now do it? Unless, of course, you have shit for brains.