FREEPORT, Ill. — French Samsonite (click here) workers who were laid off and robbed of their severance pay by Bain Capital will join Freeport Sensata workers for a rally at “Bainport” in Freeport, Ill., at 3 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 13.
The rally is in protest of Bain’s decision to close the Freeport, Ill., Sensata Technologies plant and outsource 170 jobs to China. The plant is set to close in November.
“We’re coming to Bainport to show our support for American workers fighting against the same economic model that destroys good jobs likes ours in France,” said Samsonite worker Brigitte Petit. “The struggle to save these Sensata jobs from outsourcing is a struggle on behalf of good jobs across the globe.”
Sensata Technologies, 2520 S. Walnut Road, Freeport, which was created by Bain Capital in 2006, develops, manufactures, and sells sensors and controls for major auto manufacturers such as Ford and General Motors.
Despite rising profits, the company plans to institute the final layoffs in November. The workers are training their Chinese replacements, who have been flown to Illinois by the company....
American workers need to set their price and take fistfuls without looking back. If a company goes belly up that is there problem, not ours. The sooner Americans replace venture capitalists with wealth enough to rebuild our sustainable economy the better.
The translation from French to English states, "Bain (port) stands with French workers."
American workers need to set their price and take fistfuls without looking back. If a company goes belly up that is there problem, not ours. The sooner Americans replace venture capitalists with wealth enough to rebuild our sustainable economy the better.
The translation from French to English states, "Bain (port) stands with French workers."