The Florida State Board of Education broke the rules in order to make it work. Now, it all has to be rewritten. It write teacher evaluations that were 50% teach to the exam and 50% by review of the school principle. I suppose the principal would do what many principles do and spend some time at the back of the classroom observing the teaching sessions. But, according to some, there is simply a principal interview of 20 minutes to determine whether the teacher works and the salary paid.
That has all been thrown out now and the process has to follow the established law for a new evaluation critieria. The fate of FCAT is in question.
The FCAT was introduced the year before the Former Governor Jeb Bush took office, but, he hung his hat on it and No Child Left Behind followed the same criteria of teaching to the exam.
This really isn't a win for the union, it is a win for the children.
Published: Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 - 3:32 pm
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- An administrative law judge (click title to entry - thank you) says a Florida teacher evaluation rule is invalid.
Judge John Van Landingham on Wednesday in Tallahassee found the State Board of Education and Florida Department of Education failed to follow rulemaking procedures.
The Florida Education Association challenged the rule designed to implement evaluation criteria required by a new state law passed last year. The FEA is Florida's statewide teachers union.
State education officials must begin the rulemaking process from scratch or they can ask the 1st District Court of Appeal to overrule Van Landingham.
Union officials say the decision does not invalidate other evaluation systems approved by the state in connection with a $700 million federal Race to the Top grant.
It also does not erase evaluation requirements in the new law but will delay them....