Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Assault Weapons Ban never served the purpose intended.

Another telling feature (click title to entry - thank you) of new mags is the 'smooth' or 'beveled' sides as compared to the older design with the shoulder. LEO or 10 round 'Clinton' mags can be either way.

These magazines are NOT for target shooting. They have only one purpose. Killing and killing many.

Whatever monster actually believe they are serving a noble purpose by manufacturing clips in all flavors of the rainbow is not a patriotic American.

The website at the title to this entry was a demonstration of  'friendship' among assault weapons owners. A brotherhood if you will. The author warns everyone to 'be careful now' even though the AWB is no longer in play, the villainous New York State laws can really cause a problem yet.

The 'weapons are mine to kill with' community has no respect for the USA. They seek every loophole in a law to exploit their purpose. There is a clear understanding by the community that government is their enemy.

Cheating is okay. Replacing manufactured parts to make a weapon more deadly is a goal to be respected and while those tricky bureaucrats think they are smart, they all know there is nothing that can stop the weapons owners. They can try, but, they can't legislate well enough, not really.

I sincerely get the feeling as though the community needs to reflect on its narcissism and convert to Americanism. It is killing the rest of us.